CME Ministry in Almaty

  • by WMD
  • May 08, 2013
  • 827 reads

Almaty UBF

May 8. 2013

Almaty is the former capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She plays crucial roles as the economic hub of Central Asia, because the location is near Urumqi, China from where Chinese products and supplies come and are spread all over the country. In addition, she is such a beautiful and modernized city, capped with the permanent snow on the ‘Tian Shan Mountains’ like a folding screen behind. Here in the Almaty center, there is no missionary, but are only native shepherds who are independently growing and feeding seheep. There are Sh. A.’s families and Sh. J.’s family who are the core of this center and two more native families and some leaders co-working with them.

On May 1, 2013 we went to Almaty, Kazakhstan from Tashkent, Uzbekistan by air plane. Sh. S. and J. welcomed us at the airport. On the evening of May 1, we had a group Bible study based on Ephesians lecture 1. On May 2, all native shepherds wrote their own reflections and shared them gracefully based on the words of God that we studied. Sh. A., one of them, deeply repented his sin of seeking worldly blessings and gave great thanksgiving to God for the spiritual blessings that God prepared for him through the words of God. He made a spiritual direction to serve sheep with new strength obtained by remembering Jesus’ saving grace like Apostle Paul every day looking for the spiritual blessings which come from heaven. After that, there was a special lecture regarding to ‘The principles of raising children’ which taught us how to raise our children uprightly  according to the words of God. It was very useful to all our co-workers, because most of our leaders are married and have one or two children. So, they had many practical questions with deep concerns.

Prayer Topics:

  1. For the united Spring Bible conference to be held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on May 9-11, and for inviting sheep and to receive much grace of God;

  2. For establishing a house church through Sh. M’s marriage by faith;

  3. For Sh. J.’s son, D.’s tonsillectomy;

  4. For the freedom of the gospel to be opened in Kazakhstan and for the safety of the church.