El Salvador UBF held Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 16, 2013
  • 905 reads

El Salvador UBF

May 16, 2013

Thank you for your prayer support and love toward the work of God in El Salvador. 

On March 29-31, we had our Easter conference in a beautiful camp called Campo Bello (Camp Beautiful) which was 3 hours away from the capital.

There we could see the ocean although we were on a high mountain 100km from the sea between two volcanoes and a green hill which is famous for its forest.

It was just an ideal place to contemplate the beautiful creation of God and meditate on the word of God.

The title of the conference was from John 3:16, “For God So Loved the World.”

The love of God for each of us is manifested through the sacrifice of his Son for us. And this moves us always so that we cannot be indifferent to the immense love of God for us, unworthy sinners.

We give thanks to God who provided this beautiful place, the transportation and above all for the sheep that could come even though they were only a few.

Norma Evora has studied the Bible for three years but until now she didn’t want to go to conferences because her parents attend another church. However, this time she was so decisive to go that her parents could tell she would go by any means. So marvelously they let her go.

Rafeal never wanted to go to a conference but this time he was encouraged, and we hope that he will continue faithfully and remain in God’s Word.

Jennifer is a medical student who had to bring her mother Merci in order to go. She has many doubts but she has spiritual desire. She also has many unbelieving friends who influence her. But we have hope that in the future she will become a shepherdess for them.

Norma Delgado returned from life in the world and was married when we invited her. She brought Sh. Aida and Sh. Seneyda, but now her mission is to help her husband to return to God with her and to have a family of faith. Her husband is difficult but she is struggling to live by faith.

Alex is a sheep with many doubts about how to live before God; he has learned to be a Christian that lives like the world so he understands the Word at his own convenience. We pray that God may guide him to repentance.

P. Aida struggled to the last moment to bring 3 sheep but in the end none of them came. Still, she coworked with M. Edith to take care of sheep and served them with a shepherd heart.  

M. Edith invited 4 sheep but none of them could come, one because of sickness and the others because they couldn’t get permission to go.

 One of the biggest problems that we always encounter is transportation. Some of our sheep and shepherds live very far away so they suffered a lot to get a bus that could get them to the center. Therefore, we prayed a lot for a car to bring them.

Although it seemed impossible, marvelously, I could change my job and my boss informed me that I needed a car for my work and the company helped me to buy a used car. I am happy because with this car we will serve poor sheep and shepherds and bring them to or from their homes so that they can attend conferences.

Praise my God that he provides us everything little by little and guides us with his infinite love and his grace upon grace.

P. Aida gave the first message about “the Parable of the Sower.” The next day I M. Isidro served the word of God on “the Faithful and Wise Manager.” In the afternoon M Edith gave the message on “For God so Loved the World” and in the evening M. Raul served the message on the crucifixion. The next day Sunday I M. Isidro served the message on “the Parable of the True Vine” so that we may remain in Jesus and for Sunday worship service M. Raul served the message of the resurrection.

P. Seneyda and P. Aida led the group Bible studies. Through this conference M. Edith fished a new sheep from the medical college named Yamileth who studies in the National University near the center. She helps her mother in a tourist agency to sell food and we pray that she may be faithful to one to one Bible study.

We give thanks to God who allowed us to rejoice in this conference with his precious word and to renew our spiritual strength.

In Christ,

M. Isidro
