Nicaragua UBF Summer Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 20, 2013
  • 1199 reads

Nicaragua UBF

May 20, 2013
“The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.” (Matt. 22:2)
I give thanks to God who allowed us the summer conference of 2013. Our conference was from March 27-30 in a retirement home named “Tepeyac en la falda del volcan Mombacho” (Tepeyac in the Skirt of the Volcano Mombacho), a beautiful and refreshing place with much wind where we could enjoy the pleasant climate.
God gave us much grace from the first moment of preparation. We began to pray for the conference from January, approximately two weeks before the conference. We prayed all together every day and went fishing to invite sheep. Almost every day there were new registrants.
We experienced each day the power of God and we give glory to God for the registration of the sheep. We only gave our invitation, working only to serve others according to the parable of the wedding banquet. Through this obedience, two new sheep, four teenagers and twenty-two adults participated. It was our great honor that M. Maria Ahn came from Chicago UBF to support us with prayer, special hymn and who gave us much encouragement.
 The title of the conference was “Today Salvation Has Come” (Luke 19:9). There were nine messengers and nine sheep who shared their testimonies.
  1. Missionary Juan Kim gave the opening message based on Luke 19:1-10 Jesus Came to Seek and to Save the Lost.”
  2. The first lecture was from John 3 The New Birth” and was delivered by Sh. Sandra.
  3. The second lecture was preached by Br. Jonathan based on the Parable of the Prodigal Son,  Luke 15.
  4. The third lectura was entitled, “Father, Forgive Them”, Luke  23 and was preached by Brother Mariano.
  5. The morning message was given by Missionary Rebeca Kim based on the word  You Will be Fishers of Men” (Luke 5).
  6. Brother Ayser Ugarte gave a message entitled, “Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness” (Mat. 6:33).
  7. The evening message was given by Shs. Yasiris Rizo You are the Christ” (Mark 8).
  8. S. Mayra delivered Count the Stars” (Genesis 15).
  9. The closing message was given by Brother Fadia Hernández If You Receive the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1).
All the messengers preached their messages together with their sincere testimonies, and this helped sheep to open their hearts.  Milton, Indira, Kenia, Karen, Silvia, Ligia, Eric, Marling and Joycelin Kim all shared their testimonies.
  • Brother Milton (UNAN- Industrial Engineering 2) was  born in extreme poverty in very humble conditions and suffered due to the alcoholism and wayward life of his father but he accepted Christ and was very joyful.
  • Sister Indira (UNAN- Environmental Chemisty 2) was born in a Catholic family. She suffered because of the bad character of her father who eventually died from illness after wandering a lot. She began Bible study with Missionary Rebecca.
  • Sister Kenia (UNAN- Nursing 4) was born in a humble family that suffered under extreme poverty. She suffered from fatalism and negative thinking especially after failing her entrance exam twice for the university. But she finally entered. Also, she has a strong desire to get married and prays to form a home in Christ. 
  • Sister Karen (preparing to enter the UNAN). She confessed that she suffered from her parents’ divorce. She married but was abandoned by her husband when she had a daughter of only five months. She suffered from economic problems and recently fainted in her workplace, and after falling on the ground, she hurt her shoulder and broke her foot. She accepted Christ who died for her with tears.
  • Sister Ligia (Business Admin.-UNICIT 2) grew up as a princess in her home and received much love from her mother. She then suffered from the divorce of her parents and confessed that she lived as a lost daughter like the prodigal son. She accepted the love of the father who killed the fatten calf, prepared a feast and put new clothes on her. She remembered that her mother once bought her the best shoes for her graduation from secondary school. She was moved and thanked God who prepared for her the best shoes just like the prodigal son.
  • Sister Silvia (Marketing UNAN-1) is the sister of S. Mariano. She lived alone ever since she was a child. She never liked having friends. She grew up rebellious and even though she attended a church, she had no satisfaction. Through the conference she opened her heart to Jesus.
Morever, the brothers and sisters shared their testimonies in group.
Missionary Maria Ahn served group Bible study for the teens who were 2nd Gens and children of shepherds and shepherdesses. She also served prayer with special hymns and educated the sons and daughters of missionaries about the church and the house church.
We heard God’s Word from the early morning. Afterwards we ate breakfast, studied Bible in group, participated in praise and heard the Word. Then we ate lunch, wrote testimonies, shared them in group and rested afterward. Then we had dinner, sang praise songs and heard the message and testimonies of brothers and sisters. In this way, we celebrated the conference for three days and were refreshed spiritually and physically having been well fed.
We drank the living water of Jesus and repented and were called by God, and more than anything, we accepted the love of God and the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus. Many were born anew and returned like lost sons and daughters. We were so joyful enjoying the feast of the kingdom of God. The final evening, the brothers and sisters prepared a dance of adoration, the children prepared a Nicaraguan dance and Brother Erick danced a traditional dance which everyone enjoyed and finally the brothers joyfully performed a Karaoke of praise.
The final day, in the morning, we climbed the Mombacho Volcano. It was beautiful; we saw cocoa and coconut trees and enjoyed eating delicious cocoa. The final closing word of the conference was “You Will be My Witnesses to the Ends of Earth.”
We prayed to continue the work of disciple-making and for house churches to be established among Nicaraguans.
One Word: “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son  .