A Letter from Osh, Kyrgyzstan

  • by WMD
  • Jun 18, 2013
  • 971 reads

Osh, Kyrgyzstan

June 18, 2013

Hello! These days it is been very hot here, almost beyond 95˚F. This week, the last inspection teams for "Se-Jong-Hak-Dang” (Korean language Course), which we have prepared for the last year, are supposed to come from Korea. Both our school and Bishkek Education Institute filled out applications and submitted them to the Korean government where they were processed. On June 13, we will be under on-the-spot inspection by three member delegations of the Korean government to see if the documents match with our actual situation and environment. Over the past five years, we have struggled a lot to teach students the Korean language, but, once the “Se-Jong-Hak-Dang” course is set, many more Osh students will be able to come and study Korean. Moreover, we can receive additional materials and much more support.

Thank God that M. C renovated the house in the UBF center and moved in. Now we have early Morning Prayer meetings there together. Our oldest son, Samuel, was invited by Toronto UBF, Canada to attend the International Summer Bible Conference and will be going in August.

We have already been in Osh for 5 years. I realize that time flies. Even though our first college seniors are graduating soon, not many are remaining because of marriage problems. We believe, however, that the seeds of the words of God that we planted into the hearts of students will not be in vain. I usually have one to one Bible study with two sisters, but they went to home for summer vacation.

I want to ask you to especially pray for sister G., who is studying at K. University, Korea. She is doing her best to go to this International Conference, and is determined to apply for a USA visa again. Please pray for her specifically.

I am trying hard to go to Champagne, IL as soon as I can in order to help my daughter-in-law Hannah because she needs postpartum care. I pray that our Father God who loves each one of us may pour out abundant blessings on this International Summer Bible Conference and may be pleased by this conference.

By R. L.