Pierrine & Angelo Nogana's New House Church, Paris UBF

  • by WMD
  • Jun 21, 2013
  • 954 reads

Paris UBF, France

June 21, 2013

Pierrine  and Angelo Nogana established a new house church on June 15, 2013.

Dr. Marc Choi presided the wedding based on Genesis 2.  At the wedding ceremony, the couple shared two minutes of their life testimony that explained how they came to personally know Jesus and how they came to the decision to get married. Although everything was in French, it was very beautiful.

The ceremony music and songs were all prepared by Paris UBF.  Their song, "Amazing Grace", was very unique. Instead of having a free and spontaneous American style, it was artistic and prayerful as if they were crying out to God in joy.

In this wedding, many found that their souls were deeply touched and that their hearts were being lifted up to God through the preaching and music by all the congregation singing with joy and gladness.

The spirit of God was there, pouring the joy and beauty of wedding onto the people.  Not only did the couples experience the unity in love, but also all the congregation together.
