M. Michael Thompson's Letter from St. Petersburg

  • by WMD
  • Jun 24, 2013
  • 1067 reads

St. Petersburg UBF 

June 24, 2013

Dear Chicago Co-workers,

I am writing this letter to inform you of more good news.

Charles and Ruth have graduated completely from Russian high school. What this means is that they not only survived the last three years but also passed the state exit exams. These exit exams were very important because without a passing grade, they would not even get a high school diploma but just a certificate of attendance. And without this diploma they wouldn’t be able to enter university. In Russian language, their most difficult subject, Ruth scored 63% and Charles 64%. This was the result of four years of work in school and especially continuous evening lessons with private tutors year round. It was a big investment and I am very happy that it has borne fruit. Now they can attend a Russian university or college and as we have prayed, share the gospel and bring their classmates to study the Bible.  I want to remind you of what you prayed three years ago. You prayed for us to be admitted into the Russian school system. At that time we were terrified and there was a huge barrier of red tape and bureaucracy. Much of the work was done by Missionary Grace Koh. So we can see that God answered our prayer according to our faith.

On Ruth’s overall grades for the last two years she got A and B grades except for Russian. She got a C grade for that. Ruth participated very actively in school and was never late or absent aside from illness. The director praised her at the graduation especially because she scored 100% on the State English exam which made the school look good.

God really blessed us through the dedicated service of the teachers who are very true to their work even though their pay is ridiculously low. So I’m so glad that God has shown me the best of Russia through these experiences. Life in Russian has had some really heavy times, almost beyond what I could bear, but looking back, I see that God has been faithful. So I repent of my unbelief at times. Looking forward, I hope to be more bold and courageous in the faith so as to avail myself to the Lord to fulfill what he has planned for me to do.  Ruth wants to teach something. She plans to study here in Russia. Charles needs to decide also. Pray for that.

I am attaching some photos of the graduation events.

Sincerely Yours,

M. Michael Thompson
