Lyazzat Zhusupov Recovered and Returned back to her Country

  • by WMD
  • Jun 26, 2013
  • 793 reads


June 26, 2013

“Neither this man nor----,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.(John 9:3)

By God’s great grace Sh. Lyazzat Zhusupov recovered her eye sight after four months receiving treatment in Korea and went back to K country today.

When she came to Korea for the first time, she could not see at all and could not do anything without help. Doctors in St. Mary's Hospital said it was a status of 'legal blindness.’

Our living God, however, heard the prayers of his servants around the world. God, through surgery and treatment, had miraculously restored her eye sight.

It is not normal vision, but she has no discomfort for everyday life with glasses. Thanks and glory to God! Thanks to all God’s servants who prayed for her and supported her in many ways!

I pray to God for her to be used very preciously for evangelizing K country and Islamic countries.  

By M. D. B.