CME in Heidelberg & South Germany

  • by WMD
  • Aug 16, 2013
  • 950 reads
Heidelberg UBF, Germany

August 16, 2013

We had a group Bible study about “the fullness of and leading by the Holy Spirit,” with native speakers and 2nd gens. The next day we had the same Bible study with missionaries from Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Mahan aim. God blessed M. Anna’s life testimony and mission report and most importantly God blessed our fellowship with the word of God. It was the last place for the CME ministry of the Holy Spirit in Europe. I praise and thank God for his abundant grace: giving us good health, walking with us with his Holy Spirit throughout the CME mission trip, blessing the fellowship with missionaries, native speakers, and 2nd gens, and refreshing us with his new grace.
