Egypt UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Aug 27, 2013
  • 873 reads
Egypt UBF
August 27, 2013

Trust in God

Key verse: - John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me”.
Thanks and glory to God who blessed ISBC 2013 at Indiana University in Pennsylvania under the theme:“So loved so love”.  I was so blessed during that conference. God reminded me of his wonderful loving grace and forgiveness. Whenever I hear the phrase “God Loves” I could only see Jesus who died on the cross to save a useless sinner like me. The life I am living and the success I achieved is because of that grace otherwise I would have been lost in drunkenness and adulterous life. Because of that love I could dedicated the rest of my life to God. Nothing is worth a living than to live for God and his mission.
During the conference I was much blessed to meet men and women of God who demonstrated the love of God in their life in sacrificial way. I learndmuch from them. As God so loved me I must love others sacrificially.  
During the conference God blessed me with the words of encouragement and comfort.  I went to ISBC with a heart full of worries. I worried about students in Upper Nile University the very people God raised me as their shepherd. Because of corruption and political problems, people of South Sudan are suffering. Many students could not complete their registration in colleges, because their families could not afford. Some who could pay the registration fees are now suffering of hunger because no enough money left.  Two month ago one student died because of hunger. I was worried about the situation of coworkers in Sudan because their stay in the country is threatened due to the government order to deport missionaries back to their countries. Also I worried about ministry in Egypt because of the ongoing political situation. Also I worried about my family who are living alone in Cairo, because I must stay away from them for many months in my work place in South Sudan. In the conference, God helped me to get rid of my worries through his word in Jn. 14: 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me”.  God wanted me to give Him all my worries. The only thing I must do is to obey his words in Jn 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”.
Egypt political situation:
Egypt is one of the African country and one of the most important nations among the Arab league. Egypt population is about 100 million people. Christian's population is about 10%. These days Egypt is in a big political crisis as a result of removal of President Dr. Morsi. Since then Morsi followers who are from religious set of Muslim brotherhood violently demanded the reinstatement of Morsi as president of Egypt again. There is a bloody division within the people of Egypt. Because of that crisis many people are losing their lives. The situation is terrible and people in Egypt live in fear. Churches are being burnedby Muslim brotherhood. Christian’s lives are being threatened. Anyhow, the military and police forces are trying to control the situation.
Bible study:
After the conference I came backto Egypt full of the word of encouragement. In Cairo, I went to Ayman’shouse to have Bible study with them. Instead of taking me to his house, Ayman took me to a new Bible house which they rented for 300 Egyptian pounds per month. It is such a beautiful Bible house that can accommodate more than 50 people. In that moment I remembered God’s word in Jn 14:1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me”. We praise God with thankful hearts for his great work in Egypt. Joyfully we studiedLuke chapter 10 in that day. During worship service I delivered my first message in the new Bible house with a great hope that God will change Egypt to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. God is raising Ayman as a leader for UBF campus mission.
Since the pioneering of Egypt campus mission UBF coworkers worldwide have been prayingfor Egypt UBF to have20 one-to-onesand Sunday worship attendants. This year Egypt UBF has been studying Luke’s gospel with about 15 to 20 attendants. Ayman’s coworker is taking care of CBF. And Momdouh is struggling to establish a second UBF chapter in Asyout University. Thanks to God for answering our prayers.
1-    Peace and protection to people of Egypt.
2-    To have 72 1:1 and Sunday worship attendants
3-    Deep Bible study in the gospel Luke in the year 2013.
4-    God's direction for helping Ayman and Mamdouh.
5-    Ayman and Mamdouh may grow as an excellent Bible teacher and have
       world mission vision
6-    My family members to have a sense of world mission.
7-    Successful  University admission to my son Butors
One word:  Trust in God; trust also in Jesus.                