The German Second Gens Sent a Report with Thanksgiving

  • by WMD
  • Sep 01, 2013
  • 1464 reads
Germany UBF
September 1, 2013
If we look back over the last three weeks we spent at the conference in Pennsylvania, in New York, Toledo and Chicago, we are all very thankful and happy we were a part of this trip. We enjoyed every single day, from the first to the last.
It was very fitting that the conference was at the beginning of the trip because we could be spiritually inspired from the very beginning. Many messages, life testimonies and the stories of the guest speaker were very encouraging. We were encouraged to love one another as Jesus loved us.
In addition to that, we were joyful to present at the European-African Night. The practices were a lot of fun and finally performing the dance brought the HBFers from all over Europe who had participated even closer together.
For the guys, one of the highlights was the soccer tournament which was a lot of fun. Also the fellowship in our groups and with other second gens was really blessed.
In New York, we could feel the love of the UBF ministry for the students. We visited different campuses (NYU and Columbia), where we prayed for the students. Moreover, we were able to enjoy our remaining time relaxing at Central Park.
We also went to the impressive Times Square where we had nice fellowship with our former Cologne coworker and friend Mark T. Lee and the New York second gens Hannah and Daniel Chi who were so kind to show us around. One night, we even went up the Empire State Building to look down at the big and shining city.
Our schedule in New York was really full, so it was a little bit stressful but it was definitely worth it.
It was more relaxing in Toledo. We were warmly received by our host families, the Ohashi’s and the Kwiatkowski’s, and we could experience the conference theme "So loved, so love" first-hand. We were able to enjoy great fellowship with the people from Toledo through many sports activities, such as ultimate frisbee and soccer, and on a beautiful sunny afternoon at Lake Maumee. The first evening was perfectly concluded by the gracious invitation of the Kwiatkowski’s. We ate, played the guitar, sang and grilled marshmallows; it was a perfect moment to get to know each other better.
The wedding of our HBF leader Sarah Jeong, which we have been looking forward to for weeks, was a highlight for all of us. It was very nice to see how God has led two happy people in their faith together.


We were very warmly received in Chicago, as well. Little Sarah and the others from Chicago UBF were very good hosts and made a plan for our Chicago trip according to our own wishes. We had a wonderful fellowship with the second gens from Karlsruhe and Heidelberg, some people from Wuppertal and also some second gens from Chicago.

Together we took a boat tour through Chicago and went to the beach at Lake Michigan. It was also possible to jog from the UBF building to the beach, which we did many times at 5:30 in the morning to see the sunrise. On another day, we visited Millennium Park and enjoyed a jazz concert there. At night, we had the opportunity to see the Buckingham Fountain with its beautifully illuminated water fountains in front of the skyscrapers of Chicago.
In addition, we had a blessed fellowship with Sarah Barry, who invited us to lunch, and were encouraged by her prayers and words. Little Sarah and Sarah Little invited us to study the Bible and prepared interesting workshops.
On the last day, we from Cologne each shared a small report of the things we experienced and learned during our trip. After many hugs and lots of pictures, we said goodbye to Chicago UBF and the second gens from Karlsruhe and Heidelberg (who would remain in Chicago for another week) and returned to Germany.
We would all like to thank everyone who made our time in the United States so precious and memorable. We felt comfortable and loved everywhere we stayed. We thank Mark T. & Katie Lee, Daniel & Hannah Chi who took care of us and showed us around and everyone from New York UBF who served us with a lot of food. Also we are thankful for our host families Ohashi´s and Kwiatkowski´s for being so loving, caring and serving. Thanks to all the coworkers who served us with food, driving and time. Of course we would also like to thank Little Sarah, Sarah Little and Msn. David Won who served us a whole week with so much time, energy, driving and Bible study. Thank you to all the missionaries who prepared delicious breakfast every morning and sometimes even lunch and dinner. Thanks to all the new friends we made for having a fun time and blessed fellowship with us. Last but not least thank God for giving us wonderful 3 weeks with perfect weather, lovely people and especially for showing us his love through the conference, Bible study and through the people we met.
From Nora Theis, Jesin Yu, Sarah Wieland, Samuel Wieland, Lydia Kim, Johann Kim, Noah Kang, Daniela Kim and Josef Kang