Depok & Salemba UBF had a Joint SBC

  • by WMD
  • Sep 03, 2013
  • 1802 reads

Depok & Salemba UBF, Indonesia

September 3, 2013

Mathew 15:27, 28 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Depok and Salemba UBF had a joint SBC Aug 8-11 at Shekinah  retreat, entitled, “Lord, Please Give Your Grace Even to Me.” Praise God for giving us his shepherd’s heart and opening students’ hearts so that we had a total number of 144 people (Salemba UBF 19), including guests M. Prischilla & Mike, and their son Isaac from the US. 

We planned our SBC along with Ramadan season, one of biggest holiday of Muslim. Like their one month fasting prayer, we devoted ourselves to prayers and preparation of SBC. Our faithful God answered to our prayers, sending us largest group of new comers and blessing nine native speakers’ messages. 

The opening messenger, Iman (Lk 19), delivered the inspiring message that we could have a holy desire to meet Jesus through SBC. The first night messenger, Donald (Lk 15), delivered a testimonial moving message. He was lost once and lived like a prodigal son, even was imprisoned for seven years. However, his Father in heaven did not fail him but saved him through Bible study starting from 2002. The main lecture I speaker, Ruli (Mt 15), delivered a graceful message. He repented her arrogant attitude, learning the humble prayer through his message preparation. May God establish his marriage in God. The Second night messenger, Anang (Mk 5), praised God for providing everything once he repented his unbelief where he sent his wife and two children into a rural area because of his financial issue. He decided to live by faith, serving God’s flock. The main lecture II speaker, Kepas (Lk 19), delivered a moving testimonial message. By God’s grace, he became a Christian, repenting his adultery life style in 1998, and married Rani in 2002 by faith. God blessed his career and granted him lots of money. However, he could not bear of God’s many blessings and sinned against God, sleeping with a shepherdess in church. He almost killed himself with his guilt after a fire from his company. In 2010 SBC, he confessed his sins sincerely before God and received another amazing forgiveness from Jesus. Now he decided to offer him the witness of the cross forever.  Through the message of the cross, all students struggled to repent their sins before God, writing their reflection. Many cried, confessing their sins, and received Jesus’ amazing forgiving love. The third night messenger, Wisma Hadi (Mk 16) served the third night message powerfully, Fernandes and Sudarman served each morning’s devotion gracefully.  Life testimony sharing, the dancing festival was followed on the last night. Mike & M. Prischiila and M. Jonathan & Prida shared their testimony beautifully. The closing SWS messenger, Abraham J. (Dan 6) delivered his testimonial message. He was the only Christian in his Newspaper Company working for 20 years. Now he is looking for a new job. Please Lord, provide him the best Job.

I must praise God because of his abundant love and grace in our SBC. The Messages, the weather, the food, lots of new comers, and everything was fantastic! Thank God for his amazing love and grace! Above all, when I really repented my unbelief in the preparation of SBC and tried to have faith in God based on the book of Joshua, God helped me to bear much fruit than ever! Praise our faithful, living God!

Our prayer topics are the following:

  1. God’s abundant grace on our other chapters SBC (Cawang UBF Aug 16-18, Parsar Minggu Aug 18-19)
  2. Sick people: M. Grace Kim in Karawaci UBF (Brain tumor), M Rebekah Kim in Jakarta UBF (eye degeneration), M. Murry Kim (rectal cancer)
  3. A new Bible house for Cawang UBF by the end of Aug
  4. New Job: M. Jonathan, Abraham J.
  5. Powerful SWS message and marriage establishment in God

By M. Peter Lee
