Timothy Lee's Life Testimony, Belgium UBF

  • by WMD
  • Sep 06, 2013
  • 978 reads
Belgium UBF, Germany
August 27, 2013

Genesis 1:28
“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill over the earth and subdue him. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

Hi everybody I am Timothy Lee from Belgium. My parents are Missionary Joshua Lee and Sara Lee from Yonhee Center in Korea. After they married God led them to Brussels, the capital of Belgium—also where I was born. Currently, I am 15 years old and in my fourth year of high school. I was raised and educated in a biblical context; my family did bible study every week. I didn’t like that because I was not interested in the word of God. It didn’t make sense to me. I pretended as if I understood the Bible passages, but I was only lying to myself and to everyone around me. I preferred play with my friends over listening the word of God.
At school I acted like my friends who did not go to church, and never mentioned the word of God. One day my friend asked to me if I wanted to sleep over his house for one night to hang out—it was a Saturday. And I said to him that I couldn’t go because I had to participate in worship service, but I actually wanted to go. So I asked my father if I can go to my friend’s house and he said: No you can’t go because tomorrow we have the worship service. I became very angry and I screamed at him. I said, “It does not matter if I missed worship one time, and that I was tired of listening to the word of God and it was too boring. For a while time I hated God, because I had to study his word and worshiping. I did not want to honor God so I could not see all the good things God gave me.
At first I came to the United States to take a vacation, just for visiting Chicago, shopping etc… But after attending the conference and bible study on Genesis chapter 1, 2, 3 I understood that God brought me here to change and take a spiritual rest. Through Genesis bible study I came to know that God created us and prepared the place where we live because he loves us. God created man in his image and gave him a special purpose. Genesis 1:28 says, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moved on the ground." I learned He wants us to be happy, and be a fruitful servant for his mission. I have always wondered why I was born in a Protestant family instead of being in a family who do not believe in God. But God chooses me to be his great servant, preach the word of God to all the people who are thirsty and must be saved.
God prepared a plan for me to be able to change through the Bible study with Sarah little. After every bible study I feel more peaceful because I know that God has already prepared all that I need and more. Now I want to have regular Bible study whereas before I never wanted to. This week Little Sarah proposed me if I wanted to be baptized and I answered just by a simple word: Yes! I believe that God prepared for me the way to be baptized. God gave me a great opportunity to be baptized here. Sometimes I might want to return to my life of sinner: not wanting to go to worship or bible study but I pray to be a fruitful servant for God and obedient for his mission. I believe God wants me to live all my life in Belgium in order to take the mission, because in Belgium there is just our family. Sometimes the mission is very hard in our country because the people there don’t want to listen to the word of God, but my family prays every day for Belgium and my prayer is to be a blessing for God.

One word : Be a fruitful servant and obedient for the mission of God
