Ruth Thompson's Baptism Testimony

  • by WMD
  • Sep 10, 2013
  • 1254 reads
St. Petersburg UBF, Russia
September 10, 2013

Holy and Chosen in Jesus Christ!

1 Peter 2: 9

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him, who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light!”

Hello! My name is Ruth Mary Thompson! I was born to Shepherds Michael and Sarah Thompson in June 1995. In childhood, my mother cared dearly for my brothers, Christopher and Charles, and I. My father often took time to take us to the park, go fishing with us or read to us. I grew up amongst the second gens in Chicago and they were always my closest friends. My childhood was usually very sweet. From time to time my mother would become sick mentally and would have to go to the hospital. However, God always answered our prayers and healed her so that we could continue to serve. In 2004 my mother became sick again, this time stronger than before and she had to stay in the hospital for more than a month. After a period of time when everything seemed to be getting better, her sickness returned even stronger. On February 10, 2005 she passed away. That time was very difficult, especially for my father who had to take care of three whining kids, work and serve in church. Although my father was offered to remarry, he couldn’t because he was called to go as a missionary to Russia.
As a grew older I began to compare myself to my friends and classmates wondering, “why can’t my life be like theirs? Why did my mother have to become sick and die? Why does my father have to chase this dream of being a missionary?” My bible teacher at that time gave me 1 Peter 2: 9 “ But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” She gave me this so that I might see that I am a heavenly princess in God’s eyes. However, at that time I didn’t really understand what that meant. I only understood “chosen” and “royal”, thinking that I way better and holier than others. But God did not give up on my stubborn heart, continuing to work in me and drawing me to Himself.
In the summer of 2009 my father told my brother and I that we were finally going to Russia. I didn’t really appose him seeing it as an adventure. When we arrived in St. Petersburg, though, we faced many hardships such as loneliness, culture shock and a language barrier. Through these hardships I learned to turn to God for comfort and healing. The first year I went to a Christian International School, where God sent me many loving friends who helped us adapt to Russia.
The next year, God opened His new direction for us, to study in Russian Public School. This was a giant leap of faith for us because it meant doing everything in Russian. I was doubtful and fearful at first thinking I wouldn’t survive especially because we had to take important exams at the end of the school year. However, my Heavenly Father did not give up on me, nor abandon me. Through that time, God taught me to put my trust in Him everyday to complete my school work and make it through the day. The Lord walked beside me and trained me to trust in His plan- that He didn’t lead me to this school to fail, but to win the victory in Jesus. By His grace we were able to pass all our exams, even getting three A’s on them! Praise the Lord for His kindness and faithfullness even in our weakness, when we just trust and obey Him.
In the beginning of junior year, I began to think a lot about the meaning of life and if I was going to heaven. I thought, “Why was man born on this earth only to die?” I longed for a Savior. At that time I remembered that many people declared they found true meaning in life in Jesus Christ. So I began to read the bible a lot. At that time I hadn’t met Jesus personally yet. Through His word, God little by little opened to me His Son and His love for me. Before, I had suffered greatly because of lustful, dark and hateful thoughts, which constantly were in my head. I felt so ashamed before God and in my soul I cried out, “How can Jesus forgive me?”
One night, in my sorrow I opened my bible in search of forgiveness. I read Romans 3: 22- 24, “This righteousness from God comes by faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” That moment God opened to me His marvelous love for me in Christ, my Lord. I came to know that I receive forgiveness and eternal life not by my own righteousness, but by God’s grace in Jesus Christ! Jesus forgave all my awful sins and gave me new life in His blood that He shed on the cross. That hour I prayed for forgiveness and became a child of God, filled with joy and meaning in life. Praise God for His grace and mercy for saving sinners freely when they put their faith in Him!
After this, God has been continuously working in me, making me His new creation. He has been teaching me to put His word into practice every day. This year I will be attending Saint Petersburg State University. Through this God is showing His will for me to live as His chosen servant in Russia. I accepted 1 Peter 2: 9 as my mission key verse, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” Before, I lived in the darkness of my pride and sin. I considered myself better than my friends and classmates, but by receiving God’s amazing grace, I realized how much of an undeserving sinner I really am. God has called me out of the darkness to tell others about my Savior Jesus who called me into His wonderful light. I no longer see myself as one worthier or holier than others, but one saved by God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ! Now Jesus wants me to declare His praises that others may too come to Him. God has filled me with His hope and vision to live as His chosen people in St. Petersburg. I want tell my friends, classmates and family about the One who graciously forgives all our sins, making us children of God. I pray that I may depend on God everyday to learn to love like Jesus and live as His holy people in Russia.

One Word: I am Chosen and Holy in JESUS CHRIST!!
