Greetings from Jonathan & Frida, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Sep 16, 2013
  • 900 reads

Depok UBF, Indonesia

September 16, 2013

Greetings from the always sunny and hot land of Indonesia! I deeply regret not sharing with my brothers and sisters in Christ, more about the life that Frida and I share, living as a house church. I work Monday through Friday at a korean presbyterian church. I teach English to 4 through 7 year olds, 30 minutes each class. In order to get to work, I have to ride in 2 different small buses, that are called "ankots." They are best suited for 10 riders, but have been known to hold up to 15. Because they are not air conditioned, they tend to become very uncomfortable. The total ride time, is between 2 and 2 and a half hours each way. I am sometimes told to pay a higher price, for my ride.
After getting to my destination, I have a one mile walk ahead of me, before I reach the school. The walk is always an interesting one, as there are not really any sidewalks in Indonesia. I have to share the road with cars and motorcycles.
Theft is always a possibility, especially when walking with a briefcase. People on motorcycles have been known to try to grab them, and drive off. Twice, someone has attempted to steal my bag. Twice, by God's grace, they have failed to get my bag.
Because of perspiration after the bus ride and walk, I have begun to keep a change of shirts, at the church. I have grumbled in my heart a few times, like when one rider wanted to yell at me, when he found out I am from America. However, I still live in the blessed assurance, that I am a MOST blessed man, because of God's grace.
Frida was asked last week, to interview for a teaching job that has recently opened up there. She interviews on Tuesday. We have gotten in the habit, of going fishing at the University of Indonesia after I finish work. It is amazing to see, that many students seem open to talk with Frida and I. We have received 10 phone numbers and emails, and have begun to make appointments with sheep.
The days that I do not go fishing, I go to exercise at the fitness center in the nearby mall. Frida is an encouragement to me, to take better care of my health; which I am doing.
Our prayer topics are 1) to have a baby soon, total of 6, 2) to be a blessing and a source of encouragement in Indonesia, 3) I may learn Bahasa Indonesian fluently, and 4), that Indonesia may become the HUB for the pioneering of all muslim countries with the Gospel. Thank you for your prayers!

In Jesus
Jonathan and Frida Reese
