Venezuela Summer Bible Conference 2013

  • by WMD
  • Sep 25, 2013
  • 905 reads

Venezuela UBF
September 25, 2013

He loved us

Key verse 1 Jn 4:10 “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

After four months of prayer for the conference, there were 160 participants (70 sheep).

Thursday: Opening: Ingrid Useche “God so loved” John 3:16, Ingrid preached with much conviction about the love of God showing us that we have a God who love us, and gave us his son. Now she is in charge of teenagers’ fellowship. She is praying to form a house church. Euker Ramos (Geology Education) preached the message “Where are you?” Genesis 3. Through Bible Study she heard the voice of God, confessed and repented of sins.

Friday: Daily Bread message was “Jesus is the vine” by Holiver Hurtado, John 15:5. We remembered that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches that need to be connected and remain in Jesus to bear much fruit. After the message there was group bible study and a message delivered by Betsy Barcenas, “Jesus loved a Samaritan Woman" John 4. God gave her a beautiful house church with shepherd professor Luis Barcenas. Missionary Juan Baek, Panama guest, gave the word "Love of the Father 'based on the story of Luke 15:11-24. We closed the Friday watching a summary of the movie The Passion of Christ which began to prepare our hearts to receive the message of the cross.

Saturday: At the morning we received the message "He loved us" delivered by Sister Maria Teresa Da Costa, 1 John 4:10 we understand that God loved us first before we loved him and gave his son to die for our sins. She is praying to form a house church. We had our second group bible study and Shepherd Rafael Ayala delivered the message "Father, Forgive them" (Luke 23:26-56). The grace of God helped him to cry during the message seeing the love of Jesus who forgave all his sins like pride and fornication. After the message of the Cross Gustavo Prato made ​​the altar calling for those who wanted to recognize Jesus as their Savior. Around 25 sheep came to the altar repenting of their sins to make the prayer of faith.

After lunch we had the time for writing and sharing testimonies. Many confessed sincerely their sins and decision to follow Jesus.

Saturday night we had our Salvation Party, was a wonderful time in which we rejoice in the Lord's presence in the midst of Dance, Theatre, Music, Choreography.

Life testimonies: Thursday, Friday and Saturday night we also heard Testimonies of Life of our young disciples: Raymond Duke, Xiomara Azuaje, Eloy Diaz, Zhuray, Dannys, Franvic.

Sunday: The M. Juan Seo gave the Sunday service message "Feed My Sheep " John 21:1-17. With this word, we received the direction to serve in Venezuela through bible study and caring for sheep. He delivered his life testimony. The M. Seo Ana gave his life testimony. Samuel and Anita Seo, also gave their greetings with tears.

Prayer Topics

  • P. Gustavo be filled with Holy Spirit to guide Caracas ministry and deliver Sunday worship service messages.
  • Love one another with the love of Jesus. God co-working between all leaders.
  • To be heart dedicated to group and one to one Bible study like Paul in Tyrannus school.
  • Discipleship Program 2013-2014. To raise all brothers who received the grace as Jesus disciples.
  • 120 SWS participants and Bible studies in Caracas.
  • M Juan Seo family can settle down well in LA. And have victory in studies.

With love in Christ

Gustavo Prato
