CME in St. Petersburg, Russia

  • by WMD
  • Oct 30, 2013
  • 1076 reads

St. Petersburg UBF, Russia
October 30, 2013

Thank God for sending Dr. John Jun to St. Petersburg and serving us through his CME ministry and greatly encouraging all our co-workers in St. Petersburg with the graceful words of Ephesians and Galatians for one week from October 21 to 27.

On Oct. 21 right after CME in Moscow II, Dr. John Jun moved to St. Petersburg and began to serve CME in St. Petersburg from Oct. 22. Firstly he studied Ephesians 1:1-19 with M. Mike Thompson at 10:00 a.m. through one to one. At 4:00 p.m. he led a group Bible study with a group of missionaries (Caleb Han, Sarah Han, Daniel Han and Nehemiah & Rebecca Lee from St. Petersburg Art center). At 8:00 p.m. he again led another group Bible study with a group of Russian shepherds (Rebecca Han, Sergey, Natasha and Lydia). In this way Dr. John Jun served all the three group Bible studies on that same day with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Through the Ephesians lecture one, we all have newly learned of the faith of St. Paul who boasted his Apostleship came from God. The words of God in Ephesians lecture 1 really gave us a radical challenge to realize that how greatly we have been blessed to live a shepherd life. Moreover, the message became a great encouragement to all of us who were tired of inviting students, raising disciples of Jesus, and whose faith were getting weakened, losing our pride of shepherd life.

On Oct. 23 at 4:00 p.m. Dr. John Jun served all Russian shepherds and at 8:00 p.m. the missionary group as well with the Ephesians lecture two (2:1-10). Through the Ephesians lecture two, we all could have a time of reaccepting the good will of God that is helping people to live a new life in Jesus and saving people through sharing the gospel of Jesus. All our co-workers renewed our spiritual desires to go to campus and share the gospel diligently. We all prayed hard as well to obtain our sheep a lot more by any means. Most of all, M. Nehemiah Kim who is serving St. Petersburg Art center ministry took a spiritual direction to aggressively feed Russian sheep from now on and we all earnestly prayed for him and his ministry.

On Oct. 24 at 11 a.m. Dr. John Jun served native Russian shepherds with Ephesians 2:11 - 22. Through this we all could brush up the grace of God who broke the wall between God and sinners through Jesus’ death on the cross and gave us peace.

On Oct. 25 at 4:00 p.m. Dr. John Jun served a missionary group first and at 8:00 p.m. again another missionary group with Galatians 5:16 - 24. This Bible study gave us a good chance to deeply study of and meditate on the Holy Spirit. Dr. John Jun gave us a spiritual direction to help 3000 and/or 5000 Russian sheep to repent and make them Jesus’ disciples depending the power of the Holy Spirit as the top disciple, Peter did.

On Oct. 26 at 11:00 a.m. we all gathered together at St. Petersburg center and wrote our own reflections and shared them. On Oct. 27, Sunday, at 11:00 a.m. Dr. John Jun served the Sunday message at the St. Petersburg Art center first and afternoon he came back to our St. Petersburg center and served the Sunday message again. He held a baptism and a ceremony of the Lord’s Supper as well for all 2nd gens.

Through Dr. John Jun’s CME ministry we all learned that God wants us to build up such a wonderful work of God that surprises the world by having faith in God and depending on the Holy Spirit. In St. Petersburg UBF there are 4 house churches. Among them Sh. Sergey & Natasha got married early this year and M. Mike Thompson & Lydia got married on Oct. 1. After marriage especially M. Mike Thompson certainly grown mellower and God’s grace is overflowing on his face and spiritually supporting his co-worker Shs. Lydia well. Please pray specifically for these two families.

Thank God for Dr. John Jun who served all St. Petersburg co-workers with the precious words of God. Praise and thank God who is using Dr. John Jun for world mission. I pray that God may continue to pour out the fullness of the Holy Spirit on Dr. John Jun and give him a good health.

Our Prayer Topics are:

1. For M. Caleb Han’s message,
2. For Sh. Sergey to well receive the messenger training and stand firm as a God’s messenger,
3. For all our sheep to attend the Sunday worship service faithfully,
4. For St. Petersburg to be raised as a new spiritual kingdom of God,
5. For the International Summer Bible conference in Moscow next year.
