Thailand UBF Had a Bible Reading Conference

  • by WMD
  • Nov 04, 2013
  • 840 reads

Thailand UBF
November 4, 2013

We were busy establishing S. Tam Paul/On Pauline's house church on Sept 21 and moving my business office, so we decided to focus on "Reading the Bible Conference" rather than making a program with many activities. M. Peter Han delivered "Love God!” (Deut 6:5) He is a very busy diplomat but fed one sheep, named Beau who grew overcoming many persecutions at home. We had a book symposium on "Pilgrim's Progress". M. Luke delivered a message "To Gain Christ" (Philp 3) with prayer topics to raise five leaders and pioneer a new chapter as an exemplary missionary. M. Deborah gave a lecture about the importance of having “QT-Quiet Time-" instead of event centered Christian life. I hoped all may have spiritual desires through this conference by reading the Bible and by reading as many books as possible. To my surprise, some of them skipped leisure time on the boat in the evening in order to read the Bible. We gave gifts to the first three who read the most books on Sunday morning.

Our prayer topics:
1. All may have spiritual desires
2. 40 SWS
3. Eagle team may grow as disciples: B.Thanament and North, Sisters. Kwang, Beau, Whan
4. Doubling of 3 fellowships (Daniel, Luke Paul fellowship)
5. M. Peter B Lee's Genesis message in Thai and his self-supporting business

By Bansuk Lee
