News from M. Jose Park, Uruguay

  • by WMD
  • Nov 11, 2013
  • 1212 reads

Uruguay UBF
November 11, 2013

Dear Servants of God,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

By God's grace and through your prayers and support, I received treatment for my eyes and teeth and returned to my mission field in Uruguay. While I was waiting at the Uruguay airport for the entrance procedure looking at the Uruguayans (90% are European descendants), I felt distant unlike how I felt in Korea. I felt as if I was from the land of Korea and felt tired and fearful.

But God's promise from Numbers 14:9 says, “Do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them.” These people don’t seem to have the Spirit of God, but when we love and obey God's world mission command, God is with us and this conviction gave me comfort and peace.

In Uruguay it is prohibited to preach the gospel in public places including universities, but I cannot compare with the missionaries in X nation where they cannot even pray or sing hymns due to the watchful eyes of the police and who are struggling to obey the Lord's Great Commission (Acts 1:8) in spite of difficulties of extending their visas. I have a great respect toward them and have a new desire to support them with prayer.

While I was in Korea, my mother-in-law passed away and I could stay with her at her last moments. I renewed my hope in the kingdom of God while serving homecoming service and her burial service. On Sunday before my in-law's passing, M. Rebekah and I originally planned to have service at the hospital, just the two of us. But we changed our minds and attended the worship service in the nearby Daejun UBF chapter. When S. Joshua Lee asked me to give a mission report, I was burdened since I didn't have a written report, but I gave the report trusting the help of the Holy Spirit. Through the report, I felt close in Christ to the coworkers whom I had never met before. Right after the worship service, the Lord called my mother-in-law home. Many coworkers of Hanyang, Baebong, Seakang, Hansung, Kongrung, Yunkun, Jong Ro from Seoul, Daejun, Sangji UBF visited and gave us comfort. It was God's good will and grace. By God’s grace, l could share Uruguay mission report at Yunhee center and 4 other centers.

We would like to request you to pray for the following:

• May God raise one native shepherd and one woman of faith
• 12 disciples of Jesus, 12 house churches & 10 more missionaries from Uruguay
• M. Jose Park’s powerful Sunday worship message & graceful worship service

By M. Jose Park, Uruguay UBF