Zimbabwe UBF Summer Conference

  • by WMD
  • Nov 12, 2013
  • 816 reads

Zimbabwe UBF
November 12, 2013

Zimbabwe UBF held a Bible Conference from October 25-27, 2013. We had a record turnout of between 60-70 attendants. Close to 15 students attended for the first time. We thank God for our three excellent messengers: Shepherd Oliver Maradzike, Obert Sibanda and Blessing Fungirayi. We were moved by our 10 brothers and sisters who confessed their sins and shared graceful testimonies.

The electrifying atmosphere at the Bible center was complemented by the spirited praise and worship dances and songs from the energetic young men and women. Shepherd Obert delivered a message on John 14 and his message convinced us that Jesus is the only Way to the Father, and that through knowing Jesus, we can know God. We learned that we come to God through Jesus and God also comes to us through Jesus. Shepherd Obert proclaimed he will follow Jesus the Way and prayed to become a medical and spiritual doctor as a servant of God. The life testimonies which followed the messages revealed how the brothers and sisters found the way of salvation in Jesus, accepted the truth of Jesus’ unconditional love, and received life direction to serve lost college students at any cost. On the second day, Saturday, November 26, Shepherd Oliver delivered a message on John 15: “Remain in Me!” To be a fruitful disciple we should remain rooted in Jesus through studying and obeying his Word. This is possible when we remain in the True Vine, which is Jesus. More shepherds confessed that they want to bear much fruit. Jesus says, “No branch can bear fruit by itself.” The fruit is not restricted to having sheep but the fruit of the Spirit. The last message, “It is Finished,” was delivered by Blessed Fungirayi. Jesus finished salvation for us, which means the fear of death and anxieties of life or persecutions cannot stop us from carrying out God’s mission. The message reinvigorated our desire to serve campus mission honestly with the love of God. Shepherd Sunguro declared his intention to marry by faith during his life testimony sharing. Sister Esther confessed her desire to be a mother of prayer and to build her life on God’s mission.

After the service, we had a braai fellowship on the lawn and shared our prayer topics and life direction. Our 5 medical students are going to visit Korea in December for medical and spiritual training. We also pray that they may receive discipleship training and grow as leaders for Zimbabwe.
