M. Simon Chung's Book Report: "Loveism" by Dr. Jinkyung Kim

  • by WMD
  • Nov 14, 2013
  • 1570 reads

Heidelberg UBF, Germany
November 14, 2013


-How could Dr. Jinkyung Kim overcome the boundaries and walls of ideology in China and North Korea?

The founder of PUST (Pyong Yang University of Science and Technology) is Dr. James Kim. His Korean name is Kim Chin-Kyung. He founded two Christian universities, one in China and the other in North Korea. What kind of person is Dr. James Kim?

In 1935, Dr. Kim was born in South Korea. In his youth, the Korean peninsula was divided into two hostile camps and in 1950 was the outbreak of the Korean civil war. Although he was only 15 years old, he participated in the war as the youngest soldier. One day he heard a sermon about John´s Gospel from an American military chaplain and accepted Jesus as his Savior. At one point in battle he fell into danger and prayed earnestly to God. "Lord, please have mercy on me. If you save my life, then I will pass on your love later to the people of China and North Korea who fight against us.”

After the war he went on to Soongsil University and studied philosophy. After graduating, he became a German teacher in a high school. In 1960 he wanted to study abroad. During his stay in Europe he was invited by Dr. Francis Schaeffer and stayed for 8 months in the L'Abri community in Switzerland. During this time his faith grew stronger and he could have a deep relationship with God. Then he went to England, where he earned a master's degree. He came back to Korea and founded a seminary. In 1964 he married Mrs. Park, with whom he had one daughter and two sons. In addition to his seminary, he ran a taxi company. Unfortunately, he was later deceived by one of his friends and lost all his fortune.

Soon after, he immigrated with his family to America. There he earned his Ph.D. and operated a shoe store. His shop was so good that he even opened a clothing company. Thus he acquired a large fortune. He owned a house with a garden, swimming pool and three cars. He could have simply enjoyed his life. But he was not happy. He hid his grief behind a smile, because he had no mission and no vision of God. He prayed to God for his mission. He prayed that God would use him for China and North Korea, who were still behind the Iron Curtain. Finally God heard his prayer and opened the door to China and North Korea. In 1986 he visited China and in the following year North Korea. At that time, someone asked him, "Are you a communist? Why did you visit these countries?" He had no interest in communism or in capitalism. For him the regime or ideology was not important. He was only interested in the prosperity and future of the people in these countries.

At that time China opened all the doors to the world by the economic policies of Deng Xiaoping. As part of a new policy some professors from abroad were invited. In 1986, Dr. Kim received an invitation to an institute of science and society in China. This was God's answer and guidance to his prayer. Once he visited the Chinese Amur region, where his father had founded a farming school in the Japanese colonial period. And he decided to found a university in Yanbian, where mainly the descendants of immigrants from Korea dwell. Of course there were many obstacles. Nobody believed that he could achieve this plan. No foreigner at the time ever received approval from the Chinese government to establish a university. His plan looked like megalomania. Many mocked him and said that he did not know China or the situation. In response he would simply say, "Nothing is impossible. Just ‘doing nothing’ would make it impossible."

Eventually, he persuaded the provincial government in China. It took more than 2 years to get approval. It was a time of uncertainty and doubt, because he had to get not only the approval of the provincial government but also the approval of the national government in Beijing. But in the meantime by faith he already invited professors from all around the world to join in this university. He solicited donations for the university and won many employees. By God's grace he received not only financial but also spiritual support of many people. On September 9, 1993, finally the inauguration of the YUST (Yanbian University of Science and Technology) was held. In the beginning his wife did not understand him and his vision. She thought, "Why would he leave his comfortable surroundings and all its stores in the U.S. and devote himself in China? He could have served God and his work well in the United States." But she saw how God helped her husband mightily and finally accepted his vision. Therefore she chose to live with her husband in China and devoted herself to China. Dr. Kim was appointed the rector of the YUST. Although he was the rector of YUST, he lived with his wife in the dorm and always ate with the students in the cafeteria. In spite of his devotion, he experienced many difficulties when he managed the university. He suffered loss and disgrace of evil men and was brought to trial. But Dr. Kim said, "With my strength I cannot defeat those people who attack me with malice. ‘Loving them’ is the best method to defend against their attack."

Meanwhile, he also supported North Korea. He helped the poor and the children there through donations of money or food. However, in 1998, he was accused of having attempted to subvert the government and the system in North Korea. The government of North Korea interrogated him. They put him in a hermetically sealed room. He tried to explain that his intentions were driven by good will, but the North Korean government insisted that he tried to spread Christian love through his charity and assistance to the people in North Korea. Finally they sentenced him to death but still, he did not waver in his faith. In the face of his impending death, he made a total of 4 wills. They were addressed to the YUST, to his wife, to the American government, and finally to the government of North Korea. To YUST he asked for a farewell party with cheerful music for his entrance into the kingdom of heaven. To His wife he wrote that she should not mourn for his death. To the American government he asked not to take revenge on North Korea for his execution. Lastly to North Korea he wanted to give his corpse for organ donations. But after 42 days he was released from prison. He could return to China. Although many journalists were waiting for him at Beijing airport to interview him, he rejected them and did not blame North Korea. His only one comment was "True love is to forgive the one who afflicted me.”

In January 2001, special envoys from NK visited him and asked him to found a university in Pyongyang, much like the YUST. So he again visited North Korea and adopted their proposal. When he wanted to found the University in Pyongyang, many criticized him in South Korea. Some called him a communist. But he remembered his prayer during the Korean civil war. At that time he had prayed to God to help North Korea. He acted and lived by faith in God. The ground of PUST was actually a military base. However, Dr. Kim wanted this land for PUST. Normally such a request was not allowed, because North Korea was a militant nation. But North Korea granted approval. And later it was announced that the memorial church had stood before on this land for Robert Thomas, who had been the first missionary and first martyr in Korea. James Kim believed that God had given his historic land for PUST according to his good will. In September 2009, the PUST was opened. A total of 160 students enrolled at the beginning of PUST. The PUST was founded by the one who had exercised charity faithfully and believed that this university would play a role to build a bridge between North Korea and the world.

To Dr. Kim, ideology, whether it be capitalism or communism, is not important. To him the important thing is to help people who are caught in a bad situation out of love. Communist countries do not like Christianity and even persecute Christians. China and North Korea know well that Dr. Kim is a Christian. But they like him because he is a true Christian, who is full of love.

Once in winter Dr. Kim met a young man on the road in North Korea, who was without a jacket and had worn-out shoes. He invited him to his car and gave him his jacket, sweater, shoes and even his socks. He also proceeded to give what was left of his coins. The young man did not want to accept these but he received them anyway. He felt so moved that he wanted to express his thankfulness. He asked Dr. Kim, "Sir, I have a question. What kind of ideology do you have?" In North Korea the ideology is the most important measure to distinguish whether someone is for us or an adversary. So Dr. Kim replied, "I am for Loveism." Then the young man asked him again, “Loveism? I've never heard of it. What is Loveism?” Dr. Kim replied, “Loveism is to love my neighbors.” He was so moved and replied again. "Sir, then I will live for Loveism from today."

When I read the book "Loveism" I realized that I lived a self-centered life. I have lived only for my family and for me. Through his book, Dr. Kim taught me to move beyond knowledge in my mind and to practice what I've learned. Being moved and ‘putting into practice’ is quite a different matter. May God help each of us to put what we learn from Jesus into practice. After reading the book, my wife suggested, "I want my sons, Samuel and Daniel, to be sent to either YUST or PUST as professors." Then I responded, "Amen! God´s will be done!"

By M. Simon Chung
