Urgent Prayer Request for Susanna Cha, London UBF

  • by WMD
  • Nov 19, 2013
  • 639 reads

London UBF, UK
November 19, 2013

Please pray for Susanna to have a high enough level of blood platelets for her to have an operation this Wednesday. (The surgeon already delayed it a week because her blood iron was too low.)
Please pray that the surgery is effective as there is some sign that the cancer has spread, but until they operate they won't know what extent of the cancer is.
Please pray that the operation is swift and without complication so Susanna can recover quickly from the surgery.

Please pray for M. Susanna's faith and spirit, too. She is so joyful despite this trial, but there are always times when she needs God's encouragement, comfort and faith through his word. Please pray also for M. Andrew as he supports her and encourages her with faith and looks after their children, Hannah, Rebecca and Joel.