The Work of God of Serbia UBF Ministry 2013

  • by WMD
  • Jan 10, 2014
  • 932 reads

Serbia UBF
January 10, 2014

1. Conferences and the Ministry of the Word
At the 2013 Spring conference which was held in May, we newly accepted God who called us as great warriors of God. Among our Bible students, Andrej, Maya, and Katarina attended the conference. God gave us much grace every Sunday through Genesis, Galatians, and Exodus Bible study. God helped us to examine our foundation of faith thoroughly. In June, God sent us his servants, Missionary Samuel Lee and Missionary Anna and they taught us about the Holy Spirit through various Bible study sessions. Their great passion for world mission touched the heart of our missionaries in Serbia.

2. Making Disciples
Sister Maya used to complain about many things in her life. However, this year God is helping her to appreciate things around her. God’s grace upon her life made her calm and thankful. We pray for her so that she may find herself as a princess of God. Praise God! God blessed Missionary Elizabeth’s one to one Bible study with Katarina and she began to overcome depression with the power of the word of God. The one to one Bible study for Katarina is a lamp unto her feet. Andrej faithfully came to Bible study, but recently he was struggling with his family members who didn’t want him to come to our worship service. We pray for him to be deeply rooted in the word of God through deep Bible study with us.

3. Co-working and Self-supporting
God sent us Missionary Timothy Suh from Croatia last August. It was the hand of God for us and for him. He came to Croatia as a missionary by faith not knowing the future. God blessed his faith and provided a visa and an excellent job to stay in Serbia. We pray for him to be a disciple-maker in Serbia.

At the beginning of 2013 God blessed Missionary Debora Park to work at Samsung as a cook. There was no cook in that company, however, God created a job for her to serve God’s ministry. His husband, Missionary Abraham Park joined her at Samsung this August. We give thanks to God who is faithful and provides things that we need to serve world mission.

In 2013 our missionaries visited Korea for various reasons. Last May, Missionary Abraham visited Korea for his eye surgery. In June, Missionary Elizabeth visited Korea with her two children to be recharged spiritually. Her husband visited Korea in July to evangelize his family members. Through his visit, his father began to attend the church. God heard their pray to save his family.

In 2013, the company that Missionary Daniel Ko and Missionary Caleb Yoon are working for had a lot of struggle financially. We earnestly pray for their self-supporting job for their family and the world mission in Serbia.

4. 2nd Generation Missionaries
God blessed Missionary Abraham’s family giving them a baby, Isaac. He already had a problem in his brain before birth; however, God miraculously helped him to be born without much problem. We pray for his health so that he can grow healthy and become a great servant of God. Our children in Serbia are growing healthy in knowledge and in spirit. Thus far God protected our children to learn Jesus every week through Bible study and prayer life. God blessed their life of worship through a faithful pastor in our community. Thank God for his guidance upon our children.

5. Ministry Direction for 2014
God gives us Galatians 5:16 as our new direction for the year 2014, which reads, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” We believe that walking with the Holy Spirit is the daily task of all believers. As our ancestors of faith won the victory through walking with the Lord, we also desire to walk with the Holy Spirit in our daily ministry and life. May the Lord bless His world mission work in Serbia.
One Word: “Lord, send us your remnants!”

Prayer Topics
1. To live according to the word of God and full of spirit
2. For Maja, Andrej, and Katarina to grow as disciples
3. To read the whole Bible at least once a year, to do daily bread and to write testimony deeply
4. To visit campus to preach the gospel, giving our five loaves and two fish by faith
5. To rent a Bible center