The Work of God in Croatia UBF 2013

  • by WMD
  • Jan 17, 2014
  • 906 reads

Croatia UBF
January 17, 2014

Handle the Word of Truth Correctly

2Tim. 2:15 – “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

I. The Ministry in 2013

At the beginning of 2013, I took Psalm 1:1-2 as our key verse. According to this word we prayed to love the word of the Lord and to grow spiritually.

First, The work of the word.
The Lord helped us to study Mark’s gospel, Galatians, and Acts. Galatians taught us what the gospel is and how we should live accordingly. We were deeply moved by the challenge to live by the Spirit. So we decided to continue with the Book of Acts studies in order to come to know the saints who lived according to the Spirit. The Lord helped us to have 6 a.m. early morning prayer with Daily Bread so that we could live by the Holy Spirit.

Through Galatians studies, Mrs. Yasenka could stand firm in faith in the gospel so that she could overcome her health and finance issues with the hope of resurrection. Because of her meager pension, she kept looking for work, but in vain. Still, she didn’t complain to God, but thanked him.

Through the faith of “5 loaves and 2 fish,” the Lord also helped us to share God’s word with the sheep. Last year, we came to know Srs. Maya, Miya, and Tatyana; and we have known Br. Matija for five years. We invited them to our Korean language course and gave them one word afterwards. M. Maria led both the course and the Bible study, while M. Lydia and M. Timothy who have recently joined us, coworked with her. In this way, the Lord helped us to take a small step from Bible study to establishing a trusting relationship. We also had a lasting relationship with the family of Ivan and Tomoko and prayed for them.

Through preparation of group Bible study and messages, God helped M. Joseph Bae to struggle spiritually for orientation and insight and to grow spiritually. The Lord helped M. Maria every day to take up the crosses of advanced language course, company work, raising our children and sheep. She often considered giving up either language course or company work. But she kept holding on to the word every day and could advance her language by one level.

M. Lydia and M. Timothy also had problems with language and finances. But they succeeded in finishing their respective language levels successfully.

Rebecca Bae (11) and Samuel Bae (9) have grown well in the word. In the mornings, they read the Bible, and they have Bible study once a week and write their testimony. In school, they are exemplary and help others in their difficulties. They repented of loving games more than God. In school, they have made different friends and invited them to our home. Rebecca serves the worship service with piano, and Samuel plays the violin at offering time.

Second, Coworking.
God helped us to commission M. Timothy Seo to Serbia after he couldn’t get a visa for Croatia. Because of a change in residence laws, as a student M. Timothy couldn’t receive a visa for more than one year which meant that he was supposed to return to Korea. But he decided to remain. God moved to establish a new job at a Korean company in Serbia. So we sent him there with God’s blessing because we cherish his decision to accept God’s will for world mission.

Third, Financial independence.
The Bae family worked successfully in their jobs and managed their independence. M. Joseph first, and then M. Maria and the children received unlimited residence permit. M. Lydia finished the two-year language course at the university and is working as a travel guide for financial independence. From next year on, she will work at a local travel agency.

II. For 2014: Become a Good Worker Before God, Handling the Word of Truth Correctly

Our key verse for 2014 is 2Tim. 2:15. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

In 2014, we pray …
1. To love the word of truth and to handle it correctly;
2. To present ourselves to God as good workers who do not need to be ashamed;
3. That both missionaries and sheep would love the word of truth and to take deep roots in it;
4. For our missionaries and Mrs. Yasenka to be good Bible teachers, feeding sheep with the word of God.

Joseph Bae
