The Work of God in Sofia1 UBF, Bulgaria

  • by WMD
  • Jan 20, 2014
  • 1115 reads

Sofia 1 UBF, Bulgaria
January 20, 2014

Let Us Press On To Acknowledge Him

Hosea 6:3a – “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him…”

1. SWS and Spring Bible Conference
God gave us his word from John’s Gospel and his words to strengthen us in prayer, faith, hope and love through the SW message. God blessed us to worship him and to have fellowship with him. We learned how to worship him with our hearts and minds. God is our Lord and Sovereign God. He kept us from this evil world to remain in him. God blessed our Spring Bible Conference, held during May 3-5 in Sofia. God gave us new hope in Jesus Christ.

2. Morning Prayer
God blessed us to have Daily Bread every morning to live under the protection of God and to know him. Sister Denitsa and brother Lachezar were always in morning prayer time, even in snow and in rain.

3. One-to-One Bible Study
God blessed us through one to one Bible study to know our personal God. God blessed the life of Denitsa to grow like Mary the mother of Jesus. She was a wandering woman in the sinful world, but she accepted Jesus as her personal Savior and is living as a mother of prayer and a Bible teacher. Brother Lachezar confessed that Jesus died in his place for his salvation. Whenever he prays, he confesses that he is a sinner and Jesus is his personal Savior. God is training him to grow as a good Bible teacher through one to one Bible study, serving the SWS message once a month and working hard in the company where he works. Sister Denitsa and brother Lachezar became our coworkers in God’s mission.

4. KCC
God sent many young Bulgarian people to study the Korean language in our Korean Cultural Center. Among them one sister had one to one Bible study and is now in Korea for her Master’s program at SNU. Also among them one brother is having one to one Bible study. On December 14, God allowed us to have a Christmas theater in Korean entitled, “Jesus is our King” (Mt.2:2). Nine Bulgarian people confessed that Jesus is their personal King in Korean. Eight of them are high school students. God gave great joy to all the participants and 60 guests. God gave us the vision to pioneer the campuses with the Gospel.

5. God’s Special Grace Upon One Sister
Sister Margarita is like a bruised reed and a smoldering wick. She doesn’t have a university education. She could not find a job even when she tried to do so. She could not see any vision in her life, but God’s mercy upon her is great. Through one to one Bible study, she began to see God’s goodwill for her life. God gave her a great victory to work at a veterinarian clinic as a nurse. Through this victory God teaches us that God’s mercy is great for all weak people.

6. Prayer Topics for 2014
First, sister Denitsa and brother Lachezar to grow up in knowing Jesus Christ and to serve Bulgarian students with 1:1 Bible study.
Second, may God bless KCC for his glory; may He raise up one Abraham of faith in each of the 10 main campuses in Bulgaria by the year 2017. May God give His word and good health to M. James and Cathy to serve KCC ministry.
Third, Cathy Kang Jr. (SNU-Seoul), Hannah K. Jr. (Sorbonne – Paris) and GideonKim (NAA-Sofia) to live as light and salt in their own campuses.

One word: Let’s press on to acknowledge him.


