The Gospel Work in Sudan 2013 & Direction for 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2014
  • 918 reads

Sudan UBF
January 24, 2014

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Part I. 2013 Thank giving topics and gospel work
In the last year, there were many thanksgiving topics indeed.
First of all, God protected our ministry and missionaries. Most of mission groups’ missionaries had been expelled and the Church disappeared due to persecution by government security. However, God has protected our ministry. My co-worker was deprived of her passport and we couldn’t do anything except prayer. However God helped us to get her passport without any trouble through a lawyer.

Secondly, God helped us to sell our center. Because of the persecution we made the decision to sell our bible center. It was very difficult to find the buyer at the right price. Many people came to see the center but they tried to get it with low price. However, when we continued to pray it we could find the right person and sold it out in the right time. Besides we could find new Bible house in a good location.

Thirdly, we could start early Morning Prayer meeting. It was started from Sh. Tereza and Sh. Faith Lee. But all leaders who were staying in the center were joined by the Morning Prayer meeting soon. We start the day with prayer and daily word of God. It is good training for our leaders. Through this we can make a spiritual environment.

Fourthly, we had a one day bible conference. To protect our ministry we couldn’t easily make any special activities for this year. But by faith we held the conference very quietly.

By the grace of God 19 people attended the conference. It is included 5 new sheep. The first program was the introduction of UBF to new sheep. Shepherd candidate Christine presented the origin of UBF and work of UBF. Shepherd candidate William presented spirit of UBF clearly. Many sheep already heard about UBF but there is no chance to know the origin and spirit of UBF. But during the conference all of us knew the spirit and attitude of UBF. We also found new spiritual direction to follow the ancient’s footstep.

Arabic GBS was led by M. Hope Kim and English GBS was led by M. Faith Lee. The main message was delivered by M. Andrew Kim with the Holy Spirit. God helped us to share the testimonies for all attendants. Those who attended a conference for the first time learned that there is spiritual thing beside the physical body through Nicodemus. They found that they could enter the kingdom of God through believing Jesus. We thank God for giving us great chance to deeply accept one word of God and to have spiritual direction in the conference.

Finally, we could raise the two shepherds for the last year. Adaw and Christine finished their university studies in Khartoum and moved to Juba, South Sudan. Before they were traveling to Juba we wanted to encourage them and give them identity as shepherdess. Even though they were young but we raised them as shepherdess. We prayed that they may grow as excellent bible teachers and good shepherdess for lost South Sudanese.

2014 Direction and Prayer topics

Firstly, Quality than quantity
Since 2012 a lot of brothers and sisters moved down to the South Sudan. Sh. Tereza and Sh. Buils who stay in center will move to South Sudan too, after completion of university studies. It is difficult to increase the number in the current situation. However, we pray that our shepherds and the sheep will be excellent Bible teachers and good shepherds through the spiritual training. We’d like to train them through group bible study and testimony sharing.

Secondly, Feeding one Muslim sheep
Up to now we feed sheep among the South Sudanese. But we should feed sheep who has Sudanese citizenship. Especially I pray to feed one Muslim sheep. It is really difficult to feed sheep among the Muslim. It needs a lot of patients and attention. But we need spread the seeds to Muslim world. May God help us to feed one sheep through prayer.

Thirdly, John's gospel Bible study
We began to study the gospel of John since Nov. 2013. It was very helpful to know who Jesus is. Especially I want to meet Jesus who is the way and the truth through this year. I need struggle to prepare the gospel of John Bible study and message. It is not for others, but for me to meet Jesus deeply, as the way to God. May the Lord give me spiritual wisdom and power to serve the sheep in this year by faith. May I deeply experience Jesus who is the way and the truth.

One Word: Jesus is the way and the truth

Philip Lee