Testimony & Prayer Topics of Damon Londrigan, an American Missionary to Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2014
  • 1475 reads

Meditate on the Word of the Lord

Psalm 1:1-2 “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.”

Prayer Topic 1:

2013 was a fantastic year for me. God blessed me in ways I could never have imagined, yet there were many times when I lost my peace because I forgot what God had done for me. I forgot to take time every day to meditate on God’s word and reflect on what God was doing in my life. I realized that I often forgot to keep my 2013 key verse, Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Generally I did well at getting up early, reading the Bible and saying a prayer, but I feel that many times this was only done habitually. I wasn’t really meditating on God’s word and what he was doing in my life and in the world. Towards the end of the year I began meeting with two other teachers and one of my student’s parents and we learned each other’s language, in part, by memorizing Bible verses. One thing we memorized was Psalm 1. “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, …” From this psalm I realized that one thing I need to do in 2014 is to meditate on the word of the Lord day and night. I chose Psalm 1:2, “but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night,” as my key verse. My first prayer topic for 2014 is put this verse into practice every day so that I can live a blessed life and be a blessing for others.

Prayer Topic 2:

One of the great things God did for me in 2013 was bringing me to Dream School. This has turned out to be a nearly perfect job. Dream school is a Christian boarding school serving about 360 middle and high school students. It is a very unique environment to work in and has opened several new opportunities for different ministries. The most obvious ministry is among the students. The students all come from Christian families, but this does not mean that they are necessarily Christians themselves. They know how to say all the right things, but many times their actions don’t match what they know in their heads. They need to learn deeply about Jesus.

The school motto is “Embrace the world with His love.” After 9 months of interacting with the students I have discovered that many of them just don’t know what this really means. They know “about” Jesus’ love, but they really haven’t experienced it. I remember that one of the ways I came to understand Jesus’ love for me was experiencing the love of God’s servants for me. In short, God’s servants led me to Jesus through developing a personal relationship with me and loving me; then I could experience Jesus love personally. Therefore, another of my prayer topics for 2014 is to develop personal relationships with my students and embrace them with the love that Jesus embraced me. Through this, I pray that they can come to know Jesus’ love personally and learn how to “Embrace the world with God’s love.”

Prayer Topic 3:
God has also opened the door for me to participate in and serve an English ministry at Anam Center in Seoul. In the summer, fall and winter of 2013, sometimes I did not think of this ministry as a blessing, but as a burden. However, as I began meditating on my key verse, I realized that God has opened a perfect way for me to live as a blessed man. God has given me the opportunity to deeply meditate on one passage of scripture each week; to make Bible study questions and to write a message. Therefore another of my prayer topics for 2014 is for this English ministry. I pray that I may deeply meditate on one passage each week, beginning with our Exodus study. I also pray to actively participate in this ministry by going out on the campus of Korean University Saturday afternoon to invite students to our GBS and Sunday worship service. Our prayer is for 30 faithful SWS attendants.

Prayer Topic 4:
My final prayer topic for 2014 is very practical. I have lived off and on in Korea for over three and a half years and still have not learned the language (I realize that this makes me somewhat deficient as a missionary). 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” The words “always” and “everyone” mean that I need to be prepared to give an answer to the farmer I meet on the road to Daesan as well as my students who may not be so strong in English. This means that I need to learn their language, so please pray that I can set aside at least two hours every day for Korean study. I pray that by the end of 2014 I can effectively communicate the hope I have in Jesus in Korean.

May God Bless You All in 2014,

Damon Londrigan
