Cape Town UBF 2013 Review

  • by WMD
  • Jan 29, 2014
  • 976 reads

Cape Town UBF
January 29, 2014


Ezra 7:10 “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”

Heavenly Father, thank you for saving me from darkness through your Son Jesus Christ and bringing me into your wonderful light of salvation. Thank you, Lord, for giving me holy mission to serve your sheep in Cape Town. This time help me to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

First, let Ishmael go and take hold of the covenant son, Isaac

At the 2012 Africa Regional Bible conference there were no sheep attending from Cape Town. Shepherd Daniel suggested that we change our ministry from University of Cape Town to the University of the Western Cape. In principle we agreed and said we would pray about it. Personally, it was not easy for me to let go of UCT. There was too much sentiment attached to UCT. My shepherd life and pioneering ministry started with UCT in 2004. On top of that I had one UCT student whom I’ve served for almost six years. It was not that easy to just let it all go. However in 2013 we studied the book of Genesis. One particular Sunday we studied Genesis 21 ‘Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away.’ Through this study, I realized that UCT became my Ishmael. I served UCT with much love and effort. But UCT was my son that came from my flesh not from God’s promise. That morning I went to UCT and sat at a high point overlooking the city of Cape Town. Then I prayed to God that I may be ready to let my Ishmael go. I’m also ready to let go of my sheep who does not want to commit after so many years. I was ready to take hold of God’s promise of blessing at UWC. Gen 21:12 says, “But God said to him, ‘Do not be distressed about the boy and your slave woman. Listen to whatever Sarah tells you, because it is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” Now I was free from holding on to UCT and my one sheep. I was ready to take hold of UWC as God’s word of promise.

Second, 2013 Easter Bible Academy

One of our sheep we served at UCT disappeared for almost two years. Out of the blue he mailed me one day and said he is studying at the University of Technology right across from UWC. Shep. Annie and I were exited. It was as if God was encouraging us to get going to UWC.

Then in April we had our first Easter Bible Academy on UWC campus. We had no sheep from UWC yet, except for this brother (Mondli) who appeared out of the blue. What was significant about the Easter Bible Academy was that we studied ‘Put out into deep water’. Our prayer topic was ‘As we simply obey may God give us a miraculous catch of fish on UWC campus.’ Through this Easter Bible Academy, Shepherd Annie received a word from the study of Zacchaues, ‘Jesus came to seek and save what was lost,’ so the next Sunday with a broken heart for the lost, she went fishing on UWC campus before our Sunday worship service. She invited one brother who looked lost and lonely. He said he would come the next Sunday. To our surprise he came the next Sunday. Then he invited his friend. In turn his friend invited his friend. Before we knew it, we had four students attending our Sunday worship service faithfully. Indeed, God had given us a miraculous catch of fish when we simply obeyed.

Third, our new sheep at UWC

God truly sent us excellent sheep. It was as if God was showing his approval for us making the move to UWC. Shep. Annie and I were amazed that these brothers came so faithfully. At UCT students appeared and then quickly disappeared again. But this time it was different. Shep. Annie and I were also more careful in how we handled our sheep. We did not want to repeat the same mistakes we made at UCT. Moreover, during the year it was as if God was pressing on my heart: ‘Earn their trust. Be patient. Show them they can trust you.’ This helped me not to push them but to be patient and graceful towards them.

Halfway during the year one brother shared with me that he caught his girlfriend cheating on him. So he decided to break up with her. But he wanted to know if he could still keep praying for her with hope that they could get together again in the future. In my short shepherd life that was the first time I got such an honest question. So I did not want to mess it up. I said in the most gentle way that I think he must let go of the girlfriend and rather focus on his studies and spiritual life. He agreed but I could see he was not convinced. Shep. Annie and I prayed secretly that he would break up completely with his girlfriend. However, at the end of the year this brother shared in his testimony that the advice I gave him six month earlier was not easy. It was hard for him to let go of his girlfriend. But he followed my advice and now he can see it was the best. So he thanked me for helping him. I was amazed. I realized that God had helped me to win his trust.

Another brother comes from a very poor background. He is very young, only 19 years old. Without any money he arrived in Cape Town to register at UWC. At first, because of his desperate financial situation he tested me to see if we would support him financially. So very early on, I made it clear that we don’t give money; we give only God’s word. We felt sorry for him but we resisted helping financially. We just prayed for him and Shep. Annie served him generously with delicious food. By God’s grace this brother made it through the year. He said himself he did not know how he made it. It was all God’s grace to him alone. Most importantly, we could establish a trust relationship with this brother based on God’s word.

Fourthly, Sunday worship service

Ezra devoted himself to the study, observance and teaching of the Law. In 2013 I would not say I devoted myself to God’s word as much as I would have liked but by God’s grace each Sunday our five loaves and two fish were sufficient to feed four hungry sheep.

We studied the book of Genesis. Students received much grace through Joseph’s life. On more than one occasion, after our worship service when we prayed two by two, I asked the student, “Based on the passage what can I pray for you?” Twice I got the answer, “Please pray for me that God’s will be done in my life.” I was amazed and realized that God was truly working through our Genesis study.

One of the highlights of our Sunday worship services was our singing. Shep. Annie plays violin and guitar. Students started to participate in our worship service through singing, presiding and testimony sharing. Our worship services became joyful and graceful. Indeed, the great work of God had begun among us.

Lastly, God’s blessing on us as a family

In the beginning of 2013 our direction became clear that we should move our children’s school and our residence closer to UWC. At that time I said to Shep. Annie that I had no idea where we were going to live and where our children would go to school. It felt like a big mountain in front of me. So we prayed a lot. We applied at a number of schools but were rejected. However, by God’s grace one school accepted us. Actually it was our first choice for a school. On top of that God provided us with a suitable apartment centrally located not far from the school and close to UWC. In this way we got a deep sense that God was blessing us and was pleased that we moved to UWC. This encouraged me to always seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given as well.

Finally, thanksgiving and prayer topics

1. We thank God for blessing our Genesis study.
2. We thank God for blessing us with four excellent sheep. We pray to serve them in 2014 with deep word of God from John’s Gospel. May brother Mondli, Masengita, Donald and Surprise grow in knowing Jesus personally as their Savior.
3. We are praying for the sister’s ministry to start in 2014
4. We thank God for blessing Shep. Annie’s Language and Communication studies at UWC. Through these studies Shep. Annie could effectively serve God’s sheep. We pray that God may bless Shep. Annie’s literature studies in 2014.

One word: Ezra had devoted himself to the study, observance and teaching of God’s word