Argentine Summer Bible Conference 2014 Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 05, 2014
  • 941 reads

Argentina UBF
February 5, 2014


John 3:3 “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’”

By God’s grace, we had the graceful 2014 Argentina Summer Bible Conference Jan 23-26 at a conference site called, El Sembrador (the Sower) of Maximo Paz, located on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. For this conference, we didn’t prepare a regular drama. Rather, we met at 7am for Daily Bread and prayer and focused on inviting Bible students and helping the messengers and life testimony sharers. Conference registration began in mid-December. All together there were seven messengers, eight life testimony sharers, three duo-dramas, two dances and one pantomime.

The opening message, “Come to Me” (Mt 11:28) was delivered by M. DK. The main lecture 1, “You Must Be Born Again” (John 3) was delivered by second gen Missionary Maria Cho; the main lecture 2, “Jesus Came to Call Sinners” (Mk 2) by M. Noe Marco Antonio; main lecture 3, “Where Are You?” (Gen 3) by Sandra; main lecture 4, “It Is Finished” (Jn 19) by Sh. Ivan from Mexico UBF; main lecture 5, “Live by the Spirit” (Gal 5) by Mary Sue and the final lecture 6, “Do You Love Me?” (Jn 21) by M. Juan Moon.

Each message was followed by a life testimony. Brothers Nicolas, Alonso, Andres, Jose, Sisters Claudia, Yuly and Nadia all shared their life testimonies. They confessed their sins of promiscuity, abortions, theft and pride very sincerely and took hold of God’s grace.

We tried hard to help raise Argentine brothers who had been growing like Ivan, Jairo, Eliana and Sra Marta, but God worked differently. Humble-hearted Iris, Sister Laura with her father Carlos (an Argentine pastor), brother Andres with his wife and son, brother Alonso and also through his invitation brother Camilo all attended the conference. Also, sister Sarah who just arrived from Korea and brother Alfredo also attended. Shepherd Ivan from Mexico City UBF and M. DK from Chicago UBF came to serve their messages and support us with their prayers.

The climax of the conference was the baptism ceremony. Since we began having summer conferences in 2002, Argentina UBF never had a baptism ceremony at a conference. (We had one ceremony in the center once). Many brothers and sisters came and went, but now disciples have been raised and are growing. They received baptism in the church when they were little babies. Now, however, they needed baptism based on their personal decision of faith. Originally, eight people wanted to be baptized, but during the conference Camilo, Sandra and Alonso decided to be baptized. Thus, altogether 11 people were baptized. From La Plata, Maria Cho, Nadia, Jorge, Jose, and from Buenos Aires, Claudia, Sandra, Yuly, Mary Sue, Nicolas, Camilo and Alonso were baptized. The Lord gave us nice warm weather for baptism. All of them received Jesus as Lord and Savior and made a decision to live by the Spirit; it was a joyful ceremony.

I thank God for blessing the conference with the living word and inviting us into the spiritual world. In 2014, may God bless La Plata, Buenos Aires, and the new pioneering chapter at the School of Veterinary Science in March by M. Juan Moon’s family and reveal his glory.

M. Marcos Kim, Buenos Aires UBF

