Prayer Request for M. Timothy Park, Humber UBF

  • by WMD
  • Feb 07, 2014
  • 551 reads

Humber UBF, Canada
February 6, 2014

Dear Servant of God,

Here is the latest news regarding M. Timothy Park who was admitted to the hospital for treatment for leukemia 3 weeks ago. Having been found with reoccurring cancer, he was initially admitted to the same hospital where he received chemo-treatments four years ago. There he completed his first phase of chemotherapy on Jan 25. However, soon after that, his doctor found out that he was infected with pneumonia and he was transferred to Mt. Sinai Hospital for treatment of pneumonia. Now he is in the Intensive Care Unit. When I visited him on Feb 3, I found him not concentrating or responding properly. His neck and hands and legs were all swollen; he is dependent on a breathing machine and is being fed by a tube.
His nurse told me that he is being treated with antibiotics and that his condition is being assessed daily.

Please pray for:
1) his lung infection to be completely healed and to resume his chemotherapy treatments;
2) M. Joanna to be strong in body and spirit so that she can take care of him and that she may overcome this hardship.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

Paulus Cha Humber UBF, Toronto, Canada