Dnipropetrovsk UBF Report 2013

  • by WMD
  • Feb 19, 2014
  • 954 reads

Dnipropetrovsk UBF
February 19, 2014

Key verse for 2013: Matthew 16:18 “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

We wanted to have strong spiritual relationships with God based on what this key verse symbolizes, so that they could not be broken by any circumstances. We also wanted these relationships with God to become the basis for building a UBF church in Dnipropetrovs’k. In light of this, God worked mightily in 2013. Even though we do not have sheep, God restored strong relationships among us.

1. Conference in Odessa

Through participating in Odessa's conference in 2013 and through meditation on Luke 23, I repented that I was holding grudges against my shepherd, my brothers and sisters; I even had many complaints against my wife. But most of all, I repented that I had a grudge against God because I thought he was not supporting us in the land of mission. In 2012-2013 we failed in everything: we had no sheep, lost jobs, and had problems with rent and health. However, God was teaching us to seek him rather than his blessings. We realized that God had not deserted us but instead loved us even more by participating in our needs. What eventually happened was God's hand for our revival came to us.

2. Book of Jonah

When studying the book of Jonah, Shs. Sarah and I saw ourselves as great sinners full of selfishness and pride who wanted to live only for ourselves. We did not understand God's heart. We also repented that we served sheep but a little. Even though we have already served our mission field for nine years, we kept on pushing God's work back to the second or third priority during the last three years. Then we received Jonah 1:2. God renewed our sense of mission by showing us the purpose of our stay in Dnipropetrovs’k. This purpose is not finding job, renting a house, not even the ministry itself but rather serving students with the Bible message so that they may learn the way of salvation in Jesus. In other words, we are here to understand the loving heart of God and God's pain for students dying in sin.

3. Obedience and blessing

In August, God gave us direction to live in the suburbs. First, we did not understand such direction because we used to live 10 minutes by walk from the campus and now we are 30 km away. But thankfully because of this, for the last four months we have spent quadruple the time on the campus than for the last two years. In this way, God wanted to spread the Gospel among students. Now we strive to go to campus every day and pray for God's work on campus. Even though it is difficult for us to commute, we are joyful that God can use this for spreading his word. At present, we do not have a place for SWS but we pray to find a proper place every Sunday for students after the conference. When we obeyed God by moving to the suburbs, God gave a job to Shs. Sarah. We learned that God was taking care of our lives when we obey him.

4. Thanksgiving Day

By participating in the TD in Odessa we learned that we must continuously thank God. No matter what difficulties we face we must know God's will. No matter if we have sheep, jobs, food or not, everything will eventually be taken care of by God's will (Rom.8:28).

5. Christmas

Christmas we also spent in Odessa. There we met Baby Jesus again and received him as King of our hearts. Through John Lee's message and the serving of brothers and sisters we repented that we did not spend enough time for preparation. This is the greatest holiday for mankind. We decided to hold a children’s worship service for Stefan and his friends and prepare Christmas 2014 for them.

6. Direction for 2014 and Prayer Topics

In 2014 we decided to keep holding on to Mat. 16:18. God began to make our faith strong like a rock. I pray to continue in this direction, building up our church on Christ the Solid Rock in 2014. I believe that God has already begun to build his church on this foundation in Dnipropetrovs’k.

Prayer Topics:
1. To have continuous vision and hope of God for Dnipropetrovs'k, to be a missionary sending city
2. Absolute DB in the morning and family prayer in the evening
3. Study of the word of God and daily meditation
4. Male and female disciples of Jesus in 2014

By Abraham Vasilenko
