Korea UBF had the Daily Bread Chapter-Coordinators Annual Conference

  • by WMD
  • Feb 20, 2014
  • 998 reads

Korea UBF
February 20, 2014

On Feb. 15, 2014 (Saturday) Jongno Center of Korea UBF headquarters held the Daily Bread chapter-coordinator's conference. Roughly 100 coordinators from each local chapter gathered together for the New Year conference.
First, at 7 am we held a group Bible study based on Deuteronomy 6:1-9 divided into seven groups; they were full of grace and led by seven UBF staff shepherds.
Sh. Moses Yoon from Gwanak3 center gave us the main message with the title, “Impress the Word on Your Hearts" which was graceful and heart-moving. Through the lecture we deeply learned that it is the only way to love the Lord when we impress the words of God on our hearts and then teach others.
Especially, we also learned the importance of writing Daily Bread notes and reading them in order to impress the word on our hearts as well.
After the lecture, Sh. Eunsil Lim (Baebong UBF), Kihyun Chun (Yonhee UBF), and Eunice Shin( Gwanak5 UBF) shared their reflections of God's grace which they received through Daily Bread every morning 365 days during the last year.
Sh. Eunsil Lim, even while in the midst of her busy schedule as the mother of six daughters, never missed Daily Bread even one day in three consecutive years. Though she had to go through her chemotherapy eight times last year due to her breast cancer, she overcame all the hardships and financial difficulties through eating Daily Bread by faith.
Through eating Daily Bread Sh. Kihyun Chun could remain in the word of God and the word inspired him to go to the campus every week to invite students to Bible study. God has given him victory over his work as an outstanding worker and blessed his fellowship/ ministry to become a firm vessel of the Holy Spirit.
Sh. Eunice Shin could also experience the power of the living God through eating Daily Bread and getting up at 4:30am every morning. Though she had to carry three kinds of crosses: serving God's ministry, work and family, she could bear all things and overcome all the difficulties by the power of God.
Through the main lecture and the three reflections we were all greatly moved.
Afterwards, there was a Daily Bread working level business report by Sh. Jaeeun Lee. This was followed by an award ceremony for those who ate Daily Bread every morning without fail in 2013 and words of encouragement by Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF National director).
A total of 32 brothers and sisters received awards from 16 chapters: Yonhee1, Yonhee2, Gonreung, Chongro1, Chongro7, Hankang, Hansung, Kwangjoo1&6, Kwangjoo3, Hanyang, Yongun, Baebong, Kwanak5, Jinjoo, Sungdong, and Sejong.

I pray that in the next year, all UBF brothers and sisters may continue to eat “Daily Bread” every day impressing the word of God on their hearts and then teaching it diligently.
By Sh. Moses Noh, Korea
