Guatemala UBF News

  • by WMD
  • Feb 21, 2014
  • 748 reads

Guatemala UBF
February 21, 2014

On Feb 9, Guatemala UBF visited a group of disadvantaged elementary students and had Sunday worship service together with them. Last Christmas, we purchased school supplies and other gifts for those who were from low income families. Shepherd Edwar delivered the Sunday message from 2 Samuel. Afterward, we ate bread prepared by Sh. Abraham’s mother, had a party and enjoyed games the coworkers had planned. In order to visit them, all of the coworkers sacrificed time and materials paying for their own transportation, but they were full of joy. It was the work of God. Now we pray to focus on fishing and serving 1:1 ministry to prepare for Easter conference out of love for God with all our heart and mind.

M. Josue Ham, Guatemala UBF
