Norway UBF Thanksgiving & Prayer Topics for 2014

  • by WMD
  • Feb 26, 2014
  • 891 reads

Norway UBF
February 26, 2014

Galatians 5:22-23 – “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

I. Thanksgiving for 2013

I’m very thankful that God allowed me to meet coworkers from the pioneering ministries of Spain and South America at the European Directors’ Conference. I thank God for allowing me to see his work in the whole world at the ISBC in the USA and for giving me a lasting direction for my life: “So loved … so love!” I thank God for my illness by which he has helped me to purge myself of worldly desires, to love his word more and to restore my hope in Jesus’ Second Coming and his kingdom. I thank God who gave me inner peace and grace in my illness as well as new life with the hope of his kingdom and Jesus’ Second Coming.

I’m grateful that so many scattered servants of God supported our house church with prayer, attention and love. When M. John Joo visited us, I experienced God’s gentle consolation at a time when my heart was dark. I was healed by his acupuncture treatment. When P. Abraham visited us, we studied Philippians and I could look up to the most precious Jesus. I’m very thankful for the presents and support from Cologne. I’m also thankful for my mother who prays for me every morning. God has also helped my sister to found a family of faith.

Although we are inadequate we were able to serve our neighbor with God’s word. We prayed for the University of Bergen where we had spiritual fellowship with some brothers and sisters. I thank God for M. Maria who carries me in my weaknesses and illness. I’m very impressed by her devotion and steadfastness. Our children improved their Korean skills in reading and writing. Joshua even received the prize as best friend, takes care of others and learns cello very well. Ester grows healthy and smart. She improved her violin playing.

I thank God for the new life in this world, for all things and for the hope of his kingdom.

II. Prayer Topics for 2014
1. We pray to be full of the Holy Spirit and to be able to open the door of our house church for the gospel.
2. We pray that the sensory perception in the left half of my face can be fully restored and that the blood clots in my brain will disappear.
3. We pray that 12 students may come to Bible study and that we can be shepherds for one person.
4. We pray for M. Josef in his company and that he may start working at the clinic of the University of Bergen
5. We pray that M. Maria can teach the Second Gens with love and patience and that she may find a part-time job.
6. We pray that Joshua may grow up into a brave man in the Holy Spirit.
7. We pray that Ester may widen her heart for others and grow up in wisdom.

Joseph Chin