Yabatech UBF, Nigeria Mission Report, 2013

  • by WMD
  • Mar 03, 2014
  • 957 reads

Yabatech UBF, Nigeria
March 3, 2014

John 14:1 ''Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me''

We thank God for his saving grace and mercy upon our lives. We thank God for calling us from our dark lives into his marvellous light to serve in his vineyard. We thank God for his protection, guidance and provision throughout last year. May God help us to stand firm to the end. May God help us to serve him with all our heart, strength, soul and mind. May God bless us and double our ministry this year.

We started 2013 with a lot of weaknesses and we were down physically and spiritually. We did not really have clear vision and direction for the year. This was due to the fact that M. Andrew's family had left us for Korea. It coupled with the fact that S. Duke had just returned from national service. M. Andrew Yoon visited us after the director's conference last year. Through his visit, God strengthened us when we had a workshop, studying the book of Revelation with him. We studied chapters 1-2 and had other chapters through Skype with him. Before he left to Korea again, he raised a self-governing committee chaired by S. Joseph Fabian with acting director S. Duke. But the committee was not effective.

We have four fellowships: Agape, Centurion, Hero and Living Hope's Fellowship. Our average Sunday worship service attendance is around 20-25 while our 1:1 Bible studies are at 17. M. Timothy Lee and Daniel Hong's family faithfully co worked with us. We propose to have a conference by September and some sheep were invited. But it was changed to a leader's workshop, postponing the conference until December. However, the December conference did not work out. Hence, no conference was held in 2013 and we only had a leaders’ workshop on September 6-8. The workshop was graceful. We learned how much God loves us and how he wants us to express his love to others through John 13. We practiced it by washing one another's feet. We learned how to overcome our fears and follow Jesus through John 14. We also learned to remain in Jesus through John 15.

The ministry was not fruitful this year although we had faithful group Bible study on campus every Tuesday. However, we decided to change the Tuesday group Bible study to fishing and having 1:1 Bible study with sheep on campus.

God used my family to serve the ministry faithfully last year although we could not raise new sheep by planting his word in the hearts of his flock on campus and in our brothers and sisters. We were faced with financial challenges that aroused fear and doubt in our hearts, but God helped us by giving us John 14:1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” God is actually giving us financial and material training. He wants us to fix our eyes only on him.

I and Shepherds Joseph Fabian, Benjamin, Samuel and sometimes M. Timothy Lee rotate delivering message and leading Bible study. S. Anna, Joan and Ese serve junior shepherdesses and sisters by having Bible study with them. S. Joan, Justina and Ese served HNW team faithfully. S. Anna served the shepherdess team faithfully.

In November 2013, I and Shepherdess Gift visited UBF Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea for spiritual training and encouragement. Where I had leadership training and was encouraged both physically and spiritually through the faithful life of the brethren in their work for God.

Towards the end of 2013, armed robbers paid a visit to our center. Fear griped every one's heart when these armed robbers entered our sister’s tent. They went away with 12 phones, 3 laptops and offerings. They took the ATM cards of our sisters and withdrew some money. But we thank God who saved four of our sisters from sexual harassment and rape. As though that wasn't enough, they kept monitoring our center for a second chance for three days. Some brothers and sisters left the center because of fear. We prayed and S. Joan's husband sent some navy soldiers and demonstrated some warning signals. Under this condition we had our Christmas worship service without proper preparation and decoration. While people were celebrating we were living under fear, fixing burglaries and repairing doors. M. Andrew Yoon gave us a prayer topic that we should pray so that God may scatter their plans. We did and God calmed everything down. The threat that came like a storm died down. Through this incident, I learned that Jesus can calm every storm in our lives, no matter how huge and difficult it may look.

In this year 2014, our target is to raise new sheep. Our goal is to have 60 1:1s and 40 S.W. attendees weekly. We are praying to relocate the center closer to Yabatech campus. We are praying for S. Samuel and S Tobi’s marriage Jan 18, 2014.

I am praying for the self-governing committee to work effectively. Personally, I am praying to study God's word deeply so that I will be a good disciple of Jesus. Secondly, I am praying to have 10 1:1 Bible studies weekly and to raise five disciples. Also, I am praying to establish a business this year or for my wife to get a job this year to support our family.

One word: Do not be afraid, trust in Jesus