Pretoria UBF Mission Report, 2013

  • by WMD
  • Mar 04, 2014
  • 1001 reads

Pretoria UBF, Africa
March 4, 2014

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection.” Philippians 3:10a

We had our conference on March 15-17. The title was “Young man, get up.” The number of attendees was 102. Sh. Thapelo invited 12 students to the conference, even though the university was carrying quarter tests. He was a good example showing his passion for the work of God. In the program there was recital competition on 1Cor 15:50-58. It deeply touched students’ hearts with the assurance of resurrection. Bro. Eric is the first son of a widow in his family. He was bound by worries and helpless. When he delivered the message on Luke 7:11-17, he was moved by the word, “Young man, get up.” We mainly learned Jesus’ resurrection from this conference.

We have been trying to have our own place to study Bible and pray. For many years we used one hall on campus that the university offered. But the place is not soundproof and every meeting is interfered by noise. By God’s grace we received a loan of U$300,000 from Chicago HQ on March 28, and could buy the Bible house. The size of the land is 2,751 square meters. The distance from the university is about a 10-minute walk. We are now repaying back U$7,500 quarterly to Chicago HQ. From November Brother’s tent moved in the Bible House.

From June we decided to divide our ministry into two chapters. M. James Lee will serve Chapter 1, and M. Joshua Suh will serve Chapter 2. This new system is still not settled well, and we are praying for God’s help. In 2014 these two chapters will have separate worship services. M. Daniel Rhee gives his time to study Bible with me and Joshua Suh. I thank God for sending him to our ministry as an excellent Bible teacher. This year we studied Exodus until May and then since June we have been studying Luke’s gospel.

On August 1-4, five of us attended the 2013 USA international conference. The serious Bible study on John’s gospel refreshed and moved my heart. Especially, the title “So loved, so love” was ringing in my heart beautifully. After the international conference, I was invited by M. Isaac Kim of LA, Downey UBF for a visit, and received much love and service. It was very good to meet and share personal testimonies in JESUS with the co-workers who are praying for African mission.

We had spring conference on September 13-15. It was a joint conference with Wits, UJ2, Cape Town and Botswana UBFs, around 130 attendees in total. Two brothers Cremildo and Christiano also attended from the University of Eduardo, Mozambique. Sh. Taphelo was a messenger for Judges 6:1-32. But he was strongly engaged in company work, for he found a new job and just started. But I called him out and we sat together one whole day and wrote the message. There was God’s work in the hearts of brothers from Cape Town and Botswana. From this conference, all attendees were touched by one word, “Mighty Warrior” based on Judges 6:1-32.

We had discipleship training on December 2-7. 11 brothers and 4 sisters participated in this program. Four Abraham Team members, Sh. Abia, Christiaan, Theo and Stephens organized and served this discipleship training. It ran Monday through Friday, every morning starting at 7:30AM and ending around 9:00 PM. It was a demanding schedule to follow but they did it and held firmly to one theme, “Do you truly love me?” Jesus asked.

The key verse for last year was Hebrews 3:4. “for every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” When I look back over last year, God has built up our ministry to be strong and fruitful. I thank God for his work among us last year.

In 2014, I want to hold and meditate on the word, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection” (Phil 3:10). I thought I knew Jesus, but I often found that I am still far from knowing him. This year my desire is that I want to know him personally, deep and wide. More than that, I want to know the power of his resurrection. I will not run away from the situation of death, but will give my heart to campus students.

There are three prayer topics for 2014:
(1) To settle down to a two-chapter ministry.
(2) To pioneer Mozambique.
(3) To raise two house churches.