The Work of God in Zambia UBF & Prayer Topics for 2014

  • by WMD
  • Mar 11, 2014
  • 1046 reads

Zambia UBF, Africa
March 11, 2014

1 Kings 19:12: “After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, came a gentle whisper.”

I. Looking back at 2013

Thank God for restoring Shepherd Moses. Shepherd Moses had a difficult time spiritually last year. When he was a student, he was in difficulty financially. But he was in good shape spiritually. He depended on God. But, at the same time, there was a hidden desire to enjoy a sinful life. When he tried to enjoy his sinful nature, he was changed for the worse. And when he found job, his situation became worse because he had money to enjoy sinful life. So he did not want to live as a shepherd. But finally he came back to God. During this time, he was thirsty spiritually. He could realize how blessed is the life in God. So he decided to come back and restart his spiritual life newly. I was not a good shepherd, and I thought that he was bad. But I realized that I was not a good father spiritually. So I repented and at that time, God moved Shepherd Moses’ heart. I pray that I may become a good spiritual father to sheep, especially to shepherd Moses.

Thank God for helping us to open a new business. We planned to open a new optical business in January 2013. But it was not possible because of a shop problem. One woman promised to give me a shop in January but she did not keep her promise. She said to come after two weeks, then to come after three weeks. About five months passed like this. We sent the machineries and frames and lenses from Korea and received the container in January. But because of the shop problem we could not open. It was difficult to find a shop because the town is small. We despaired every day. By the help of God, we could find another shop in a good location and we could open a shop in May. Still, it is the initial stage and the business is not so good. But we believe that this year business will be better and we may make enough money for self-support.

Thank God for helping me to have peace in my heart. I was exhausted spiritually and physically. I tend to have a hot temper. I thought it is because I worked for hair company for a long time. When I could not find a shop for a new business, I became very sensitive. After opening a new business, I was sensitive too because business was not good. I hated this situation. Then God helped me to have rest in God. I went to Korea partly because of business, partly to have a rest. While I was in Korea, many great servants of God came and we stayed together sharing fellowship with them. And because of them, shepherds in Korea served missionaries very well and I was served as well. Also, God helped me through father school. I attended because my wife earnestly wanted me to. Through the school, I found that I was doing many things wrong as a father and as a husband. While I was listening to lectures and writing letters to my father and my wife and my children, somehow I felt I was healed emotionally. I also learned emotion coaching. Through this I could build good relationship with my wife and children. And my family became quite peaceful. This is the reason I felt I was wrong as a spiritual father and my recovered relationship with Shepherd Moses.

II. 2014 Direction

In 2013 my key verse was Mark 1:35, “ Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” I prayed in the morning for a while. But I was disappointed when I found that sheep in tent training were enjoying sin secretly while they attended early morning prayer meeting. Brother Andrew left us together with his brother. And Shepherd Moses also left the tent. One day when I was very tired I slept in late. Unfortunately, no one came to early morning prayer. Therefore, early morning prayer was stopped since that time. I pray that I may start early morning prayer again this year. Through attending father school and listen to emotion coaching, I learned that listening is very important. 1 Kings 19:11, 12 says “the Lord said, go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by. Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the locks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, came a gentle whisper.” This is the word I heard from Friday prayer meeting the day I arrived in Korea. Through this word I learned that God comes to us as a gentle whisper. I did not seriously think about listening. But through this word I tried to think seriously about what I heard and I tried to listen carefully. I tried to listen to everything as God’s whisper. And I attended father school and watched emotion coaching. Through this, I received much grace. But sometimes I feel that I do not want to listen to others. I just want to tell others what I want to tell them. When I do so, I cannot understand others and conflicts arose. So I want to struggle with listening. First I have to listen to God. Next I have to listen to others. It was difficult to understand others if I didn’t listen to them first. I pray that this year, I may listen to God carefully and listen to others to understand them well.

Prayer topics
1. To listen to God and others carefully
2. For Shepherd Moses to grow as a good coworker and feed one sheep
3. For optician business
4. To prepare graceful Bible study and worship service
5. To exercise regularly and lose weight

Nehemiah Kim, Zambia UBF
