Pretoria II UBF Had a Bible Conference, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Mar 21, 2014
  • 1046 reads

Pretoria 2 UBF, South Africa
March 21, 2014

"As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alpheus sitting at the tax collector’s booth.“Follow me,” Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him" (Mar2:14)

From February 28 to March 2, 2014 Pretoria UBF held its Bible conference. The theme was "Follow me". Most of the students who attended shared their beautiful reflections based on Jesus's word, “Follow me." Each of them made a clear decision to follow Jesus who gives life and true satisfaction because they realized that they were contaminated with sin.

Unlike most years, in order to invite freshmen, we prepared our Bible conference earlier than before. But there were not many students who attended because many were coming from the rural countryside.

However, the word of God was working gracefully in the hearts of the students who came. In Mark 2 and John 4 the light of God’s word shone in their hearts leading them to repentance.
Sister Becky wanted to obey Jesus's word, “Feed my lambs," but she had spent her time only for herself. After listening to the word based on Mark 2, she made a decision to devote her heart to feeding Jesus' sheep.

Sister Ali was not able to have one to one Bible study with us because she had to bear both her work and school study. However, she realized that she was a selfish sinner like Levi in Mark 2 and refreshed her faith and attitude toward Jesus.

Brother Fredric could not stop associating with bad company even after meeting Jesus personally. He also realized that only Jesus can solve his thirst problem through the word in John 4.
Brother Justice was born into a Christian family. Through his reflection he repented that he was not sincerely following Jesus though he acted like a pious man.

Sister Nombi had been suffering because she was condemned by people since she became a single mom. But she found the living water in Jesus who gives joy, hope and true satisfaction. Sister Sassi was born into a Jewish family. She grew up being pressured to do everything perfectly. She also was thirsty to become a leader. But she came to know Christ Jesus who alone gives true satisfaction. Sister Silda was chasing after boyfriends for her satisfaction. However, through the word of God she met Jesus and confessed that Jesus is the source of satisfaction and made a decision to follow Jesus.

We thank God for richly blessing the first Pretoria 2 UBF conference and making a new vessel of the Holy Spirit since pioneering Pretoria 1 UBF and Pretoria 2 UBF ministry
We also thank God for enabling Pretoria 2 UBF members to co-work well together in a new spiritual environment. The total number of attendees at the conference was 30.

James Lee, South Africa
