Egypt UBF Easter Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 15, 2014
  • 1026 reads

Egypt UBF
April 15, 2014

By the grace of God we had the 2014 Egypt UBF Easter Conference on April 5 – 7 in a nice conference center in the 10th of Ramadan area. It was a joint conference between Cairo and Asyout chapters. Altogether, there were 55 attendants. Five people came from Asyuot chapter with Mamdouh. The title of the conference was “He has risen.”

On the first day brother Ayman delivered an opening message based on 1 Samuel chapter 3, "Speak, for Your Servant is Listening." This message prepared the hearts of the attendees to receive the word of God during the conference. Brother Wail delivered main message I: "Jesus’ Arrest and Trial" based on Luke 22: 63 – 23: 1- 25.

On the second day brother Samir delivered a morning devotion message based on Jn 14: 15 – 31, "Do You Love Me: Keep My Commands". Brother Kamil, delivered main message II: "Father Forgive Them" based on Luke (23: 26 - 65). Brother Ashraf delivered the main message III: "He Has Risen" based on Luke 24: 1 – 35.

On the third day brother Mondi delivered a morning devotion message based on Jn 21: 15 – 25, "Do you Love Me: Take Care of My Sheep". Brother Ayman, delivered the closing message, "Go into all the world" based on Mark (16: 12 - 20).

After each main message they had time to share their testimonies by groups. Through hearing messages and writing testimonies, there was a moment of thinking about Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection. Jesus suffered in this way only to save us and to bring us back to his kingdom. Filled with his grace, God granted the participants repentant hearts. Some repented their smoking habits. Some repented from unforgiving hearts and from hatred toward others. Learning from Jesus, they decided to forgive others. Some students who attended the UBF program for the first time confessed that through the conference God inspired them to love and enjoy Bible study. They promised to continue one to one Bible study every week.
At the end of the conference God plant his great vision in the hearts of the participants to study the Bible continuously and obey Jesus command, "Go into the all world and preach the good news." Thank God for hearing our prayers and filling the conference with the grace of confession.

Prayer topics:
1- Newcomers to keep one to one Bible study every week
2- Mamdouh and his coworker Evon to help students of Asyout University with faithful Bible study
3- May God use Ayman and His coworker Hana in taking care of Cairo chapter
4- To move the center of Cairo UBF chapter near Cairo University
5- For peace in Egypt
