CME Report in Lebanon

  • by WMD
  • Apr 16, 2014
  • 1200 reads

Lebanon UBF
April 16, 2014

For one week, Dr. John Jun visited and served us with the word of God and prayer. He left Lebanon today (4/14/2014).

We had five Bible studies with Dr. John leading us in Ephesians, Galatians and a special lecture on biblical children’s education. For Sunday worship service yesterday, he delivered a message based on Ephesians 1 and our Bible student Lala attended.

Through his visit we were renewed in God’s grace of salvation and calling. We learned how to serve God’s ministry in the midst of difficulty with joy and praise bearing fruit and giving glory to Him.

We appreciate from our deep hearts your prayers through CME. Because of your prayers, we were able to receive abundant grace throughout the week.

We also give deep thanks to Dr. John Jun, for he served us lastly with all his strengthen after having served many different places overcoming jet lag repeatedly. May God bless him continually with good health and to be full of spirit.

In this season of resurrection, may our Father grant heavenly blessing to his servants around the world everyday and bless spring campus ministry to win the victory with the power of resurrection.

In love and appreciation,
M. Stud and Hannah
