Belize UBF Had an Easter Bible Academy

  • by WMD
  • Apr 17, 2014
  • 856 reads

Belize UBF
April 17, 2014

Belize UBF had an Easter Bible academy from April 11-13. The title of the academy was “The Gospel of the Resurrection.” With the good news of the resurrection, we could rejoice and be renewed. Kent delivered a message for the first time. He is a young freshman, but he delivered his message powerfully with the grace of God and encouraged us to stand firm uncompromisingly on the gospel. The second message was delivered by Charles. He was very busy with his teaching before Easter and the ministry’s observation of his performance and a big school project. But he did not shrink back and delivered his message on the power of resurrection. The power of resurrection is that in Jesus all are made alive and he will restore the paradise after he has destroyed all enemies. The third messenger was Dillon. He is an Abraham here and faithful to serve the gospel work through UBF. He had dengue but he did not give up and delivered a message on the glorious resurrection body and Jesus’ Second Coming. Dainell and Era shared their life testimonies.

Missionary Isaac Kim came all the way from Redding, California, traveling 16 hours. He served a group Bible study and helped messengers to deliver with power and Spirit. His visit was a great surprise because we did not and could not expect him to come to Belize. We believe God moved his heart to bless us. We are thankful for the prayer support of Chicago, Washington and many others for this conference with 30 attendants. Our prayer topics for this year are 30 1:1s and 20 Sunday worship attendants. We prayed for 20 and God sent 21. Most of them are M. Sarah’s 1:1 Bible students and their family members and friends. 1:1 ministry is the backbone of our ministry and we are praying for God’s word to work powerfully in Belize. May God raise 4-12 Bible teachers and one committed girl student. We thank God for answering our prayer and sending 21 attendees and raising three messengers and two life testimony speakers. We thank God for the good news of the resurrection and pray that we may have powerful resurrection faith and serve the Lord fully.

By M. Moses Chang, Belize UBF
