South Sudan UBF Had a Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 18, 2014
  • 823 reads

South Sudan UBF
April 18, 2014

Thanks and praise be to God for enabling South Sudan UBF to have a one day 2014 Easter Conference in the midst of ongoing war and mass killing. The conference was held on April 12 in Juba city, the capital of the Republic of South Sudan. This is the first Easter conference we held in Juba. 17 people attended the conference. Most of the shepherds from Malakal UBF who have taken refuge in Juba because of war in Malakal participated. The title of the conference was “I Have Seen the Lord”

Shepherd Johnson Deng delivered an opening message based on John 8 entitled, "Neither Will I Condemn You." Shepherdess Rose Peter delivered the main message I: "Jesus Died for our Sins" based on John 19:16b-42. Shepherd Philip Angelo delivered the main message II: "I Have Seen the Lord" based on John 20:1- 30, and Shepherd Oyor Moses delivered the closing message, "Go into All the World" based on Matt. 28:18-20.

Thank God for using growing shepherds Saied Moses and George Mario as group Bible study leaders. They made every effort to make group Bible study active and exciting. May God bless them to become excellent Bible teachers.

During this conference God blessed us with two new sheep Anan Sebit and Chol Motong, both from University of Juba. At the end of the conference God planted his great vision in our hearts to obey Jesus’ command as we shouted with one voice, "Go into the University of Juba and preach the good news!"

Prayer topics:
1- Anan Sebit and Chol Motong to study one to one Bible study faithfully every week
2- Peace in South Sudan as soon as possible
3- Shepherd Padiet to get a position inside the headquarter office in Juba
4- May God bless gospel John study with spiritual revival and more sheep
5- A permanent place as our own center this year
