Greece UBF had their Happy Easter Conference!

  • by WMD
  • Apr 24, 2014
  • 1333 reads

Greece UBF
April 24, 2014

Christ has Risen!

On April 18-20, Greece UBF had their Happy Easter Conference at a Christian resort near the capital Athens. This weekend marked Easter for the predominantly Orthodox Greeks (following the Julian calendar) as well as in the majority of Christian churches (following the Gregorian calendar). We had the whole compound to ourselves because Greeks traditionally spend these holidays at home. Some Bible students could not attend the conference for the same reason. All in all, we were 23 (including three from Germany), thankfully celebrating Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Paul H. Lee and the coworkers had prepared the conference wholeheartedly with much prayer and deep Bible study.

The conference title was “Christ has risen!” We had three messages: Friday night, Stamatis Savvanis spoke on Acts 27:13-28. When Paul was sailing to Rome as a prisoner, the ship was wrecked off the coast of Malta. This terrible accident could have been prevented if only the ship’s owner, the captain, and the centurion accompanying Paul had listened to God’s servant beforehand. Still, everyone was saved when they finally heeded Paul’s advice. With the heart-breaking news of a ferry sank off the coast of South Korea, this message spoke very clearly to all of us. Stamatis also warned that in the current economic crisis, people in Greece should turn to God all the more instead of putting their trust in political or economic leaders. On Saturday morning, we studied John 19 in groups. Walter Nett delivered the message, “It is Finished!” Pilate seemed to be smart, and Jesus looked like a loser. In reality, Pilate was a loser, and Jesus is the winner. Through his death on the cross, Jesus atoned for our sins and gave us new life. As his disciples, we are winners with Jesus and need not envy those who seem to be successful momentarily. Jesus’ death immediately opened the hearts of secret disciples like Joseph and Nicodemus. Even today, “secret disciples” may be touched realizing the death of Jesus on the cross for their sins. Everyone wrote their testimonies eagerly and shared in the late afternoon with repentance and thankfulness, even under tears. On Sunday morning, we studied John 20. Mark Lee of Athens 2 UBF delivered the heart-moving message of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The disciples took long to realize that Jesus was not overcome by death but won the victory once for all. When the Risen Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and later to the disciples, he could not have any hope for them to carry this good news into the world. Still, beginning with Mary, he challenged them each time to relay the good news to their brothers. Sharing the good news with a world full of hatred and sorrows is Jesus’ absolute will and command for his disciples. As a practical start, we went outside and finished the conference with wholehearted prayer in groups.

Apart from being a messenger, Stamatis served the conference also as presider, translator, etc. He has graduated from Athens University last year and is seeking permanent employment against all present odds. He also prays to establish a house church for God’s glory. Ioannis, who was born and raised in Germany, translated for the German group via headphones throughout the conference. He is doing his master studies in German language and literature. His fiancée Anna was also there. They are both very sincere and open to God’s word and thankful for the spiritual environment in the ministry. There was another student, Marietta, who attended on Friday and our cook who served behind the scenes and also joined some meetings.

Nine “new gens” attended. Lydia, Paul and Pauline, the children of Paul H. and Lydia Lee, served the conference with music. Lydia and Paul are already enrolled at Athens University. They also served the younger ones with additional messages on 1Peter 2:1-10 and Daniel 1:1-21. It was very encouraging to see the spiritual desire and coworking spirit in all these young people. They even performed a dance on Saturday night.

For that evening, we also had a presentation from a Greek overseas mission called TOM (Tanzania Orphans Mission). It was established when a family was commissioned from the conference site, 25 years ago. They are a faith-based ministry, not backed by a specific church. Oftentimes, they include short-term supporters in their African ministry. Even in the economic crisis in Greece, they have managed to keep up the mission. One of our missionaries commented that he was greatly encouraged seeing Greek young people devoting their lives as missionaries.
After the presentation, we listened to the life testimonies of Wynelle Nett and Lydia Lee Jr. Wynelle explained how God changed her from living like a single seed to becoming a source of blessing for many. Lydia confessed her spiritual struggles and how she finally realized that Jesus, only Jesus, could help her overcome both her inner and outward struggles. (Afterwards, I learned that her siblings, Paul and Pauline, were both inspired to also write their life testimonies, too.)

God has graciously used the three missionary families in Greece. They have overcome many obstacles and after almost 25 years still serve students graciously and joyfully. M. Lydia Lee had to undergo several months of medical treatment in Korea, recently, and has not recovered completely. But she is bent on serving Greek students with her whole life. M. Paul H. Lee’s business has plummeted and needs God’s help to succeed in the long run. His business room serves as a Bible center. M. Barnabas and Johanna Woo cowork wholeheartedly. M. Mark and Pauline Lee serve a house church in Athens while also keeping in close touch with the main ministry.

Please, pray for Greece to be restored spiritually and economically as well. May God raise 12 Greek disciples of Jesus by 2020. May God bless Greece UBF to bring several native students to the upcoming European Summer Bible Conference, August 14-17, in Germany.
