Uganda UBF 2014 Easter Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 29, 2014
  • 1144 reads

Uganda UBF
April 29, 2014

Are You a Disciple of Jesus?

Uganda UBF 2014 Easter Bible Conference took place on 18th – 20th, April, at YWAM (Youth with a Mission) - Jinja. In total, about 110 participants came. The conference theme was “Are You a Disciple of Jesus?” We designed this conference to learn about discipleship. Who is a disciple of Jesus? The topics were the blessing and cost of being a disciple, the life style of a disciple and finally the mission of a disciple. It was a blessed conference, as many appreciated especially that they learned a lot about discipleship through Bible studies and messages. Many students learned how to become a disciple, and every Christian must be a disciple, the cost and blessing of being a disciple. Some of them made a decision of faith to live as disciples of Jesus by paying the cost. Leaders examined their disciples’ lives and renewed their spirit as Jesus’ disciples.

On the first day after group Bible study on the calling of the disciples, Sh. Kenneth of Kyambogo delivered the first main lecture from John 1:35-51, “Follow me.” It was an opening message and though many were somehow tired due to the long journey, they eagerly listened to the message. Through this message, each one could find why they wanted to follow Jesus, and he challenged us to follow Jesus with a purpose of learning from him and doing his will.

After dinner Sh. Albert reviewed a book “Disciples are Made, Not Born.” He discussed it thoroughly, explaining to us how we ought to live as Jesus’ disciples. Many who had read the book before then discussed in small groups and one could easily know that their attitude towards discipleship is right, and many agreed that true disciples are made, not born. One of the lessons I learned was, in making disciples; we must win them to the mission, not to the organization.

Sh. Sarah of Kyambogo led Saturday morning devotion, with the message, “To whom shall we go?” Her message moved many as she shared her life, pointing out that she wanted to follow Jesus. She confessed being rejected by her family, and many difficulties that she went through for Jesus, yet encouraged us that Jesus is King over every storm.

After group Bible study, and subsequent graceful praise and worship session, Sh. Tom delivered the message about the blessings of disciples of Jesus (Mark 10:29-30), stressing that Jesus has a lot in store for all his faithful disciples. This was followed by a lecture on the cost of being a disciple (Luke 14:27) by sh. Collins. He encouraged us to joyfully participate in discipleship by prioritizing God’s work before our own families, lives and especially each one to carry his cross and follow Jesus. Sh. Patrick’s life testimony also moved and encouraged many attendants. What moved many was his humble early life in Christ, yet God has used him so much now as an exemplary disciple and disciple maker.
After lunch, each one wrote a Bible testimony, based on the previous main lecture. For many new students, it was their first time to write such testimonies, however, GBS leaders and shepherds were available to teach them how to do so. Sports fellowship followed shortly at 5pm, where people found their best games, including soccer, volleyball, and basket ball, badminton, jogging etc, before we had delicious supper.

Saturday evening was joyful in the Lord, beginning with a traditional dance by Nkumba brethren. The praise rally on Saturday evening moved many participants, as many of them said it was the most impressive program. Everyone, including senior shepherds and missionaries joined the circular queue, as they sang along. It was a lot of joy worshiping God in this way. This was shortly followed by a skit, with a title “spiritual reproduction,” casting the life of a disciple and a disciple maker.

Sunday morning devotion was led by Sh. Lillian Ogwang and she shared from Matthew 6:25-34, “Don’t worry”. She encouraged us to not worry about anything as we live as his disciples. She shared her past worries and also encouraged us to trust in God only.

After GBS in the morning on Sunday, we had a graceful Easter SWS. Sh. Abraham delivered a message, from Mat. 28:1-20, saying “He is risen, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations”. Each one of us was challenged to take Jesus’ command as of first importance, to make disciples, if Jesus is our Lord. His message was a reminder to each one of us, saying Jesus is risen, so he lives with us.

We pray that God may raise 12 student leaders who make a decision of faith to live as disciples of Jesus through this conference. May God raise two exemplary house churches through shep. Albert and shep. Moses in July and August respectively.

Dr. Luke Hyunsuk Lim
