Bolivia UBF Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 02, 2014
  • 875 reads

Bolivia UBF
May 2, 2014

Bolivia UBF held the Easter Conference on Apr. 18 – 20 with 60 attendees. The theme of this conference was “Remain in My Love”. We thank God that he has advanced the gospel work in us.

1. All seven messengers (P. Moises, Lorenzo, Emanuel, Gabriela, Mateo, Pamela, Abraham) delivered powerful messages with clear testimonies.
2. Testimony messengers shared graceful testimonies with repentance, resolutions and the fruit of changed lives.
Especially S. Abraham’s wife, S. Sarah’s testimony based on Luke 20:15 moved everyone’s heart. Her testimony revealed God’s love very well-- that is, the patient love of God, bringing her back to him from hopelessness and human desire.
3, Group Bible Study leaders were raised, doubling in number. At last year’s conference, we had a hard time to raise leaders for group Bible study. This time, however, we had seven groups with 14 leaders so that one leader served just one group Bible study. 16 new participants received the word of God and were full of grace through group Bible studies, messages, and testimonies.
4. God restored S. Abraham’s family with great fruit. God answered his prayer and granted eight new sheep. Now, he can have confidence through S. Sarah’ repentance, bearing the fruit of repentance. He has served early morning prayer message for the last three months by taking a bus without his own car. Although he is always tired with heavy duty of his job after getting a promotion, he has been faithful to serve the morning prayer meeting on Thursday and the campus fishing meeting on Wednesday with his coworker S. Sarah. Through this family, we can see the glory of God who came to this world to save, heal and restore sinners. We praise God who is the God of miracles and God of compassion.
5. Shepherds and disciples served all the conference programs. M. Esteban supported messengers behind the scenes.
6. M. Esteban delivered the closing message with the title “Who will go for us?” based on Isaiah 6:8. We had a time of resolution and devotion to God. When he invited those who had accepted God’s calling to live as a pioneering missionary in God’s time, about 20 people stood up including Guillermo, the younger brother of M. Noe Marco who is the first Bolivian missionary to Argentine. He has been struggling with mental illness. He was unstable and dark. Now through one missionary and S. Lorenzo’s serving, he is getting well. S. Lorenzo opened his house for him and took care of him, playing soccer with him. He loves food and the word of God like his brother M. Noe. Last Sunday worship service, he invited one sheep who is older and taller than him and we all were moved by him. We believe that God will reveal His glory through him.
7. Personally, through Lecture 1 (Luke 15) at conference I met Jesus newly, who loves me with holy love and patience. Actually I have been busy supporting my family and couldn’t give my heart fully to bring new sheep to conference. I know the grace of his salvation and calling but I couldn’t give thanks to God and easily complained when I went out to the street with my small cart to set up a tent for my business. I became depressed because of my headache and my weakened sight because of the strong sunshine. I was getting tired of my situation and waited to end up in a poor economic condition. But through Luke 15:20, I came to know his love again and felt like I was born again newly all over again. I thank God for his patience and love of disciplining for me until I know him and his love. I may trust Him and challenge to do God’s work by faith with a thankful heart.

We pray that 1. God may bless continually M. Stephen as a messenger of God’s word and spiritual father. 2. God may raise one family to pioneer the University of San Simon at Cochabamaba by 2015. 3. Bolivia leaders may grow and stand firm in the gospel through learning God’s love.
We thank you for your prayer support for us.

By M. Paulina Cho
