Mexico UBF Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 05, 2014
  • 1158 reads

Mexico CU UBF
May 5, 2014

“The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32b)

The conference was held April 17-20, 2014 at the Club Campestre Teotihuacán, one hour and a half from Mexico City. The place is very nice because it has a lake with a gazebo in the middle where there are ducks. The title of the conference was: "The Truth will Set You Free." The total number of participants was 211 including 21 from Acatlán, Querétaro 5, IPN 6, Normal 10, Cuautitlan 8.

The opening message was from Matthew 11: 28-30 by P. Alejandro Hernandez. In the evening P. Diana from Acatlán delivered a message about Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3: 1-21). C. Lucio shared his heart moving testimony. The second day P. Iván gave the message on John 5: 1-15. While many persons compete with others, they become ill spiritually like paralytics for 38 years. But, Jesus commands us to get up from laziness and make us live before God instead of competing with others. As the central message P. Alejandro Lopez delivered the passage on the Samaritan woman deeply. C. Perla shared her beautiful testimony. Then came the first time to write a Bible testimony and share in group. And at the end, various games were organized for the sheep and leaders; we had a sports recreation time.

The evening message was given by P. Aurora, and we learned the absolute truth of the Bible can give us the true freedom, that is freedom of conscience, of sin and of death. Then three books of the men of faith: George Muller, John Wesley and Adoniram Judson were reviewed, from which we learned how important it is to pray in the life of a Christian. God uses prayer servants.

On Saturday at dawn the foggy camp looked like a movie scene. It is rare for spring. The morning message of P. Daniel (IPN) was on Mark 8: 27-34. The central message of Luke 23: 26-49 was delivered powerfully by P. Caleb about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The short drama of crucifixion was shown before the message. At 5:30 pm 13 new sheep shared with tears of repentance, acknowledging suffering from sin and recognizing God's love. We were all filled with thankfulness to God for working in the heart of his sheep. The evening message on 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 was served by C. Enrique. Later we set out to enjoy the spiritual feast, where we saw 2 beautiful Mexican dances by the chapters of Acatlán and CU, and we heard two beautiful melodies played by the orchestra of UBF and finally the very funny drama about the Samaritan woman.

On the fourth day the message on Matthew 15: 21 - 28 was given by C. Luis Angel. We recognized that we should be willing to become like dogs to serve the work of God. Finally, Sunday message was served by P. Hugo on Revelation 3: 7-13. We learned and caught the direction of being holy and truthful as we preach the gospel as the secret to be ready for Jesus’ Second Coming. We glorify God and thank you for your prayer.

By Shepherd Raul Munoz
