St. Petersburg Easter Bible Conference 2014

  • by WMD
  • May 12, 2014
  • 999 reads

St. Petersburg UBF, Russia
May 12, 2014

Thank and praise God for sending us the Savior, Jesus. Thank God also for richly blessing our St. Petersburg’s Easter Bible Conference. We had a joint conference with St. Petersburg Art center and all 35 people attended by the grace of God.
Sh. Sergey, Sh. Sarah Han Jr., M. Kaleb Han, Sh. Alexey Belykh (Moscow) and M. Nehemiah Lee (St. Petersburg Art center), and M. Mike Thompson graciously served the conference messages. Through their messages we realized that only the gospel of Jesus can give us eternal life and be the real power of God. Thank the Lord for enabling us to share a deep love relationship with the abundant words of God!
Thankfully starting from Sarah Han Jr., all the 2nd gens grew a lot and served the conference with a sense of stewardship. Many new sheep like Luda, Anya, Wangfuei attended this conference and a new baby was born to Sh. Natasha and Sergey’s family recently before the conference, whose name is Timothy.
I pray that God may bless us to bear much good fruit of life in many campuses of St. Petersburg. I also earnestly pray for the upcoming CIS Int’l Summer Bible Conference to be full of spiritual vision for CIS countries to be changed by the power of the gospel and grow into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. May God bless all of us to attend this conference and our co-workers, brothers and sisters even in Ukraine as well may attend this conference without any hindrance and receive the Holy Spirit in full!
Thank you all for your love and prayers for us.

In Christ,

M. Kaleb Han (St. Petersburg UBF, Russia)
