Lagos I & II, Medilag, Yabatech UBF Had a Joint Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 12, 2014
  • 1373 reads

Lagos UBF, Nigeria
May 12, 2014

We Shall See Jesus in Heaven

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who blessed our conference with His words and Holy Spirit. We prayed for the joint conference with Medilag, Yabatech and Lagos I and II chapters over a month. Messengers were chosen and trained over two months by mentors: Shep. James, Abraham and Fato. We held the conference on April 25-27. There were 88 participants: Medilag (11), Yabatech (21), Lagos II (18) and Lagos I (38).

I. Messengers

Bro Ibukun (Pharm-Grad) delivered opening message with the title “Jesus is coming with the clouds” based on Revelation 1:1-8. Jesus is coming with clouds in his glory and power. We shall see Jesus at the last day. Shep Duke (Elect Eng Yabatech-Grad2009) delivered the first main message entitled “A spirit of power, of love and of self discipline.” Duke was very fearful for everything; he is young and must handle the ministry. But the spirit of power and of love and self-discipline gave him new strength to serve Yabatech chapter like young Timothy.

Shep. Joseph (Physics Unilag-Grad20024) delivered on 1Co 15:1-34. Jesus died for our sins and freed us from the power of sin by his blood to be children of God. There are many witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. Their lives were changed when they met the risen Jesus Christ. Joseph came to UBF in 1999 and joined in pioneering the work of God in Yabatech. He practiced the religious rituals but he did not believe that he was a sinner. He did not believe that Jesus is Christ the Lord and Savior for him. But by the gospel of Jesus he grew and became a remnant for the work of God and God’s ministry. Praise Jesus who has power to conquer death. Jesus has power to render new life and eternal life to us. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest news in human history.

Shep Thompson (Genetics in Unilag - Grad2007) delivered morning message on the second day, entitled, “Living sacrifice” based on Roman 12:1-2. Shep Thompson stayed in Abuja over many years with National Oil Corporation with the expectation of honor and richness. This time he should decide to offer his life as a living sacrifice to God. May God bless him to serve Jesus first and be a remnant for the campus ministry.

For the second day main message II, Bro Tayo (Mass Communication –Unilag, grad 2011) delivered the message with the title of “Victory in Christ Jesus” based on 1Co 15:35-58. Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We must always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. Tayo had burning zeal to be a governor of his own state. When he accepted the resurrection of his body to be a heavenly body through one of our Easter conference, he cried to give up his dream worldly success. He has lots of talent to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for him to be a professor and Bible teacher.

For second day evening message, Sheps Chiaka became a lecturer at a federal university in Ebony state. She delivered the message entitled, “Dry Bones Become a Vast Army” based on Ezekiel 37:1-14. We pray for Sheps Chiaka to put her hope in the word of God and preach to the students who are like dry bones. May God grant her heart desire to have a family.

Shep Benedicts (Law in Unilag - 2010) preached the main message III, with the title, “Preach the Word” based on 2Timothy 3:10-4:8. Missionary Underwood Moon delivered closing message based on John 21:15-25. He worked in Samsung over one year and a half. He served students diligently and then returned to Korea on April 28.

II. Testimony sharers

Bro Emmanuel who graduated in 2014 majored in Quantity surveying in University of Lagos. He lived throughout his school years in the pursuit of academic success. He grew in a morally sound home but he did not have personal understanding of the Bible. But five years’ of Bible study changed him to accept the gospel of Jesus and His resurrection. He decided to live a changed life and to visit campus every week to preach.

Bro. Ogbonna (Metalogical/Mechanical Engineering-University of Lagos 5yr). He is a pastor’s son but didn’t have understanding of the resurrection of Jesus. He made a decision to live for God and bring students to share the word of God.

-Bro Moses graduated in 2014 with a degree in Chemistry Education in University of Lagos. He grew up in spiritual environment as a pastor’s son but he fell into an immoral relationship and struggled to come out of sinful desires. He moved from Redeem church and MFM church and UBF while he was in school. He wanted to be free from the power of sin. God may have mercy on him to preach the gospel and find the life purpose in it.

-Bro Gideon (Elect.Eng- Univ. of Lagos 2nd yr). He thought that Christianity is just a social gathering. But after two years Bible study, he decided to live for his Lord Jesus Christ.

-Bro Arierien Sam (Elect Eng-Yabatech) grew up in a worldly environment and was a gang member but through his testimony he showed his clear decision to live by faith and turn away from his old way of life.
-Sis Bisola (Art-U. Yabatech) lost her parents at a tender age and went to live with her uncle. She was mistreated by her uncle and was treated as a slave. She grew up with lots of bitterness against her uncle’s family and couldn’t forgive them. We pray for her that God will touch her heart through constant Bible study.

-Sister Lara (Medical physiology – Unilag Grad2014) studied Bible over three years. She was bitter over her family’s financial difficulties and had a prosperity gospel mind-set. She now desires to work for God. God may have mercy on her to have personal restoration to her Lord Jesus Christ.

-Sister Seun studies Medical Laboratory in Unilag. She grew up in an Islamic family and was living a worldly life. But after she was invited by her sister to Bible study and stayed shared tent life she was greatly influenced and decided to live a holy life. There are many unfavorable tent rules but she will cope with them and grew as a holy woman of God.

III. Conclusion

The Holy Spirit was present and touched participants’ hearts throughout the conference. The joint conference among four chapters revived us newly. Our love in Jesus was restored among us removing all barriers. The spiritual lives of leaders from Yabatech chapter were restored since last year they did not have any conference. Lagos II chapter saw faithful remnants. Madilag chapter is blessed to raise medical students. Lagos I has a new spirit to preach and serve students. We prayed to preach the word of God so that we may raise Bible teachers in this generation. We pray to double the ministry this year, one by one. We prayed for each chapter’s director: Shep James(Medilag) and Shep Duke(Yabatech) and Shep Abraham (Lagos I). With this conference we gained clear assurance and prayer topics to raise families. The seed of resurrection was planted in our hearts. We gained new way of life to live in Jesus. Throughout the conference I was thankful to God for giving me time to pray for this great nation Nigeria. May God help me forgive all kinds of people in my heart. The site of Redeem Camp was shining as a light in the night for people to come and pray. It is over hundreds of acres of land shining light for people to come and pray in the night. It is unusual to see electricity spent in this way but the Redeem camp spends freely for the people. May God bless this nation Nigeria to raise many young men and women to preach the word of God in this dark world. Thanks be to God. He gives us victory over death through our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus who blessed us to see the vision of resurrection and heavenly kingdom.
