Buenos Aires, La Plata & Paternal UBF in Argentina had their Easter Conference Together

  • by WMD
  • May 13, 2014
  • 923 reads

Buenos Aires, La Plata & Paternal UBF, Argentina
May 13, 2014

The Buenos Aires, La Plata, and Paternal UBF in Argentina held the United Easter Conference on April 18-20. It was even more difficult to have a conference than last year because this year, Easter was in the middle of April which is a very busy week (midterms, etc.). It was hard just to prepare the messages. We really needed resurrection faith to overcome all of these spiritual obstacles. For this conference, we had only Estefany (Stephanie) as a new sheep, so we prepared this as a disciple conference.
We had an opening message entitled,”The Blood Will be a Sign” for You (Exodus 12, 13) by M. Erendira. Lecture 1 was entitled, “Jesus Who is the Resurrection and the Life” (John 11) by Sh. Claudia, and Lecture 2 entitled, “Risen Jesus” (John 20) by M. Noe. They all humbly received message training, overcoming difficulties, and delivered wonderful messages gracefully. We also had a symposium with a book, The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter, to understand and learn the shepherd life by seven presenters. All brothers who served the symposium worked hard to absorb their part, and prepare the power point until 4:00 a.m. and had wonderful presentation with humor.
Nicolás, Alonso, and Yuly prepared nine lessons of Bible study notes for beginners with short testimonies amazingly, preparing the symposium at the same time. Claudia, Marysue, and Sandra, who have served campus student for two years, wanted to be blessed as a campus shepherd. After Sunday worship service, we had a time to bless and appoint Nicolás, Alonso, and Yuly as Bible teachers, and Claudia, Marysue, and Sandra as shepherdesses by prayer, laying hands on each of them. We also had a communion service. They are the fruit of this conference. Still, they are just starting, but they made a pledge to live as Bible teachers and shepherds. I pray that God may bless the Buenos Aires UBF and help me to serve the ministry of the word of God and disciple-making ministry with prayer, taking care of all the fruit of this conference, and new sheep (Andrés, Ivan, Jairo, Estefany, Eliana, Lucas, Antony) to raise them up as disciples of Jesus. May God also grant a healthy baby to M. Noe’s family and to M. Erendira’s family. Thank you for all your prayers.

By M. Marcos Kim in Buenos Aires UBF
