European Summer Bible Conference Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • May 21, 2014
  • 1201 reads

Europe UBF
May 21, 2014

We thank God for granting us the European Summer Bible Conference with the theme of faith in God.
Our most important present prayer topics are:

1. Student messenger preparation: James, Sara, Georgi, Petrus, Ales, Henoch, Michael, Stamatis, plus one more: To memorize their passage, write a deep reflection, and start preparing message writing whole-heartedly

2. Renowned messengers: M. Sarah Barry (opening address), Prof. Beyerhaus, Shp. David Kim (key note messages), P. Abraham Kim (closing message)

3. Raising heart-moving life-testimony speakers from among European chapters

4. Invitation of students: registration is still slow while we are reaching our first deadline (June 15) : Pray for all European chapters to actively join and invite their Bible students to this faith-based conference

5. Practical preparations through joyful stewardship of and among 23 task groups

God bless your prayers and love.

In Jesus,
