Prayer request from Maria Lee (Paraguay UBF, Staying in Hanyang UBF, Korea )

  • by WMD
  • Jun 03, 2014
  • 904 reads

Paraguay UBF
June 3, 2014

Dear precious servants of the Lord:

On May 15 when I was on my way home after finishing the prayer meeting at Hanyang UBF I was hit by a motorcycle. I have several fractured ribs and my kneecap was smashed into pieces by the accident. Immediately, I was hospitalized and on May 21 I underwent a surgical operation. My doctor said it will take three more months for recovery. They put two artificial bones and nine iron pins in my knees. I thank God, however, for protecting my life in the accident keeping watch over me and from all my distress of my life.
Thank you very much for your prayer support!

In Christ,
Maria Lee